Businessa communication

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Communication leads to community, that is, to understanding, intimacy and mutual

Communication leads to community, that is, to understanding, intimacy and mutual

Rollo May
I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Robert J. McCloskey, former State Department spokesman
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Communication is a process of exchanging information, ideas, thoughts, feelings and

Communication is a process of exchanging information, ideas, thoughts, feelings and

emotions through speech, signals, writing, or behavior.
Eight Essential Components of Communication
1. a sender(encoder)
2. Message
3. Channel
4. Receiver (decoder)
5. Feedback
6. Environment
7. Context
8. Interference
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Types of Communication Verbal Communication Oral Communication( face-to- face conversations, speech,

Types of Communication
Verbal Communication Oral Communication( face-to-
face conversations, speech,

telephonic conversation, video,
radio, television, internet.)
Written Communication (Memos, reports,
bulletins, job descriptions, employee manuals,
electronic mail, Internet Web sites, letters,
proposals, telegrams, faxes,
postcards, contracts, advertisements, brochures,)
Nonverbal Communication
Appearance Speaker: clothing, hairstyle, neatness, use of cosmetics Surrounding: room size, lighting, decorations, furnishings
Body Language facial expressions, gestures, postures
Sounds Voice Tone, Volume, Speech rate
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Business Communication is any communication used to promote a product, service,

Business Communication is any communication used to promote a product, service,

or organization – with the objective of making sale. 
There are two types of business communication in an organization:
Internal Communication - includes all communication within an organization. It may be informal, formal function, or department providing communication in various forms to employees.
1. Upward Communication
2. Downward Communication
3. Horizontal/Literal communication
External Communication - Communication with people outside the company is called “external communication”. Supervisors communicate with sources outside the organization, such as vendors and customers.
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Barriers to Effective Business Communication Conventions of meaning (Miscommunication may occur

Barriers to Effective Business Communication
Conventions of meaning (Miscommunication may occur due

to the use of ‘Denotations’ and‘Connotations’. Choose connotations & denotations wisely.)
Differences in perception of reality
Abstraction(It means selecting some detail and omitting others.)
Inferences(It means conclusion on the basis of assumptions.)
Evaluation(It is a person’s own perception or opinion towards a certain fact.)
So, difference in perception may become a hurdle in communication.
Values, attitudes and opinions
Closed Minds Some people hold rigid views on certain subjects. They don’t consider facts and maintain their views. Such person is very hard to communicate with.
Sender’s creditability Usually people react more favorably to that communicator who has credibility.
So, Values, attitudes and opinions may also become hurdles in the way of communication.
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Seven C’s of Effective Business Communication 1. Correctness: Use the right

Seven C’s of Effective Business Communication
1. Correctness:
Use the right level of

Correct use of grammar, spelling and punctuation
Accuracy in stating facts and figures
2. Clarity - demands the use of simple language and easy sentence structure in composing the message. When there is clarity in presenting ideas, it’s easy for the receiver/decoder to grasp the meaning being conveyed by the sender/encoder.
3. Conciseness - in a business message, can be achieved by avoiding wordy expressions and repetition. Using brief and to the point sentences, including relevant material makes the message concise. Achieving conciseness does not mean to loose completeness of message.
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4. Completeness - the message must bear all the necessary information

4. Completeness - the message must bear all the necessary information

to bring the response you desire. The sender should answer all the questions and with facts and figures. and when desirable, go for extra details.
5. Consideration - demands to put oneself in the place of receiver while composing a message. It refers to the use of You attitude, emphases positive pleasant facts, visualizing reader’s problems, desires, emotions and his response.
6. Concreteness - Being definite, vivid and specific rather than vague, obscure and general leads to concreteness of the message. Facts and figures being presented in the message should be specific.
7. Courtesy - means not only thinking about receiver but also valuing his feelings. Much can be achieved by using polite words and gestures, being appreciative, thoughtful, tactful, and showing respect to the receiver. Courtesy builds goodwill.