Creation of the elementary HTML document. Formatting of a font and paragraph

Слайд 2

Plan: I. Instructions II. Main part 1.1 HTML main elements: 1.2


I. Instructions
II. Main part
1.1 HTML main elements:
1.2 Types of

web sites
1.3 Formatting of a font and
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I welcome you on my first web page! • To save

I welcome you on my first web page!
• To save the

file in the created folder. At preservation, in a window of dialogue to Keep as … in the line File Type: to choose option All files (*. *), and in the line File Name to set a name with the .htm expansion, for example 1_name.htm (where name – your name)
• To close the document, to find his pictogram in a window my computer or in the Conductor program window.
• To open the file. To analyse by means of what application the file is displayed and as the entered phrase looks.
2. To enter the tags defining structure of a HTML document:
• By means of the shortcut menu to open the file by means of the Notepad editor. To enter the tags given below, in the section of a document title (between the tags </title<br><p><HTML><br><HEAD> <TITLE> Фамилия

I welcome you on my first web page!

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To save the document under the same name, to update its

To save the document under the same name, to update

its display in a browser (to execute the Look / to Update or press the Update button at a toolbar). To analyze the happened changes in display of the document.
3. To edit the document:
• To open the menu of a browser Look/viewing of a HTML code and to add after the text "I welcome you on my first web page!" text of the signature:
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Student of the NNN group Surname Name To keep the document

Student of the NNN group Surname Name

To keep the document

(but not to close) and to update his viewing in a browser.
• Using the single
tag, to edit the document so that the signature began with a new line, and the Surname the Name – the next line. To see new option in a browser.
Attention! After each change the document needs to be kept, and to begin viewing in a browser with updating of loading of the document by means of the Update button at a toolbar.
4. To issue text fragments by means of styles of Headings:
• To issue the first line of the document the Heading of the 1st Level style by means of the pair

tag …

. To issue the second line as Heading of the 6th level, and a third as Heading of the 4th level.
• To check the document in a browser, changing control of display of fonts (the Look/Font size / Most menu large, Average, Small and the smallest).
• To change style of registration of the first line for Heading 2 levels, the second line - for Heading 5 of level, the last line - for Heading of the 3rd level.
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To execute formatting of a font: • After a line the

To execute formatting of a font:

• After a line the Surname

the Name to add one more line of the text
Morning meets us by a cool
• To issue the phrase on the sample given below.
In the word MORNING all letters have to have different colors. In the word the COOL to issue letters missile defense – red color, OH – blue.
• To issue a line with the signature (The student of the NNN group the Surname the Name) in the italics, to set font size relative change. To use tags and
• To check the received document in a browser.

Слайд 7

To execute formatting of paragraphs: • To create the new document

To execute formatting of paragraphs:

• To create the new document

2_name.htm, to keep it in the same working folder.
• To enter the text (to use copying of the text from the document 1_name.htm):


Приветствую Вас на моей второй web-страничке!
Монолог Гамлета

• To align the text to the center.
• To enter the text:
To be or not to be - here in what a question. That it is more noble: to take down blows of violent destiny - or against the sea of adversities to arm, engage. And all to finish at once...
• To issue alignment of the paragraph on width.
• To limit the paragraph to horizontal dividing lines from above and from below, using the

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To show results of work to the teacher

To show results of work to the teacher

Слайд 10

Table of primary colors

Table of primary colors

Слайд 11

Tasks 1. What is the HTML? 2. What is the Static


1. What is the HTML?
2. What is the Static websites?
3. What

is the Dynamic websites?
4. Make a site for yourself?
Слайд 12


Use of literature: