Principles of government. Public policy

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What is Government? Government - the formal and informal institutions, people,

What is Government?

Government - the formal and informal institutions, people, and

processes used to create and conduct public policy
Public policy – the exercise of government power in doing those things necessary to maintain legitimate authority and control over society
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Purpose of Government Form a more perfect union ( strong union

Purpose of Government

Form a more perfect union ( strong union of

states while maintaining state sovereignty)
Establish justice (reasonable, fair laws)
Insure domestic tranquility (keep public order)
Provide for the common defense (national security)
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Promote the general welfare (provide public services and promote economics Secure

Promote the general welfare (provide public services and promote economics
Secure the

blessings of liberty (promote individual freedoms)
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Sound familiar? It should It comes from the Preamble to the Constitution

Sound familiar?
It should
It comes from the

Preamble to the Constitution

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Forms of Government Anarchy Autocracy (rule by one) Absolute monarchy Constitutional

Forms of Government

Autocracy (rule by one)
Absolute monarchy
Constitutional monarchy
Oligarchy (rule by few)

(rule by elite)
Theocracy (rule by religion)
Democracy (rule by the people)
Direct democracy (citizens meet and decide issues)
Representative democracy (citizens choose officials who make decisions)
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orange - parliamentary republics green - presidential republics, executive presidency linked

orange - parliamentary republics
green - presidential republics, executive presidency linked to

a parliament
yellow - presidential republics, semi-presidential system
blue - presidential republics, full presidential system
red - parliamentary constitutional monarchies in which the monarch does not personally exercise power
magenta - constitutional monarchies in which the monarch personally exercises power, often (but not always) alongside a weak parliament
purple - absolute monarchies
brown - republics where the dominant role of a single party is codified in the constitution
beige - states where constitutional provisions for government have been suspended
grey - countries which do not fit any of the above systems
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Theories of Democratic Government Theories about who has power and influence

Theories of Democratic Government

Theories about who has power and influence
Traditional democratic

theory: gov’t depends on consent of the governed (direct or representative)
Pluralist theory: interest groups compete for power and influence
Conflict may require bargaining and compromise
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Elite theory: small powerful elite rules in its own interest (business,

Elite theory: small powerful elite rules in its own interest (business,

military, etc)
Bureaucratic theory: structures and procedures allow bureaucrats to hold the real power
Hyperpluralism: democracy is a system of many groups that have so much strength they are often pulled in many directions
Causes gridlock and ineffectiveness
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Origins of US Government Greeks & Romans: First democratic governments Magna

Origins of US Government

Greeks & Romans:
First democratic governments
Magna Carta: (1215)

attempt to limit power of British king
Created by nobility
Trial by jury, due process, protection against taking life, liberty or property
Creation of Parliament:
Began as advisory group to king
As power of king became more limited, they began making laws
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Petition of Right: (1628) Extended protections of Magna Carta to commoners

Petition of Right: (1628)
Extended protections of Magna Carta to commoners
Also included:

tax without consent of Parliament, declaring martial law
No housing military in homes
Trial by jury
English Bill of Rights: (1689)
Guaranteed free parliamentary elections
Fair and speedy trial
No excessive bail or cruel punishment
No suspending public laws