Queen`s Role in British politics

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The Queen in England plays the role of the Head of

The Queen in England plays the role of the Head of

State in a Constitutional monarchy. In this system all powers to frame and execute laws reside with the Parliament and the Queen has no role to play here. The Constitutional monarch governs according to the rules passed by the Parliament. She has to maintain total political neutrality.
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The Queen continues to be the head of the state for

The Queen continues to be the head of the state for

any change in the government. This in a way is meant to provide stability. The Queen has a role in bestowing honors and in the appointment of the Parliamentary leaders. Also, the Queen is the Head of the Armed Forces.
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The Queen is the official Head of State and a symbol

The Queen is the official Head of State and a symbol

of the unity of the nation. She represents the tradition and a continuity of the monarchy. The Crown is hereditary and is passed on to the sovereign's eldest son (or daughter if there are no sons).
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The Queen works very hard. She reads State papers, signs documents,

The Queen works very hard. She reads State papers, signs documents,

receives ambassadors and important visitors from abroad. She appoints the Prime Minister and other Ministers, judges, diplomats and bishops in the Church of England. She meets the Prime Minister once a week to discuss affairs of State and receive copies of all Cabinet papers. Laws are not laws until they have received her approval (the Royal Assent).
She is expected to be impartial, or "above party politics".
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The Royal Family money comes from two sources: government funds and

The Royal Family money comes from two sources: government funds and

their own personal wealth, which is considerable. On the one hand the Queen is certainly one of the richest women in the world, but on the other her power is limited by the fact that so many of her expenses are paid for by government money. Parliament has had effective control of the monarch's finances since the seventeenth century.
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The Queen, with a help from other members of the Royal

The Queen, with a help from other members of the Royal

Family, travels around the country opening new buildings, visiting hospitals, meeting officials. Also, she appears on television every year to broadcast a Christmas message to the nation.