Социальные эксперименты Антон Гуменский МГИМО, ноябрь 2009

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Стенли Милгрэм (Stanley Milgram), Йель, 1961-1963, Obedience to Authority: An Experimental

Стенли Милгрэм (Stanley Milgram), Йель, 1961-1963, Obedience to Authority: An Experimental

View. 1974 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milgram_experiment, http://www.psywww.com/intropsych/ch15_social/milgram_1963_obedience.html)
“Hofling hospital experiment”, 1966, Чарльз Хофлинг (Charles K. Hofling), “…21 out of the 22 nurses would have given the patient an overdose of medicine” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hofling_hospital_experiment)
Филип Зимбардо (Philip Zimbardo), Стенфордский университет, “Stanford prison experiment”, 1971 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanford_prison_experiment)
Bibb Latane and John Darley Bystander Effect (http://www.pineforge.com/newman4study/resources/latane1.htm), The unresponsive bystander: Why doesn't he help? 1970
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“E” – Experimenter “T” – Teacher “L” – Learner

“E” – Experimenter
“T” – Teacher
“L” – Learner

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Stanford Prison Experiment, 1971 http://www.prisonexp.org 24 male participants, psychologically stable and

Stanford Prison Experiment, 1971

24 male participants, psychologically stable and healthy, predominantly

white and middle-class, selected of the 75 respondents recruited via a newspaper ad, and offered $15 a day ($75 in 2007) for a two-week "prison simulation“.
Guards: no formal guidelines, though “no physical violence”. “It was their responsibility to run the prison, and they could do so in any way they wished”
Prisoners: “wait to be called"
“…Our planned two-week investigation had to be ended prematurely after only six days… In only a few days, our guards became sadistic and our prisoners became depressed and showed signs of extreme stress” Philip G. Zimbardo (born March 23, 1933)
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“Das Experiment”, 2001, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0250258

“Das Experiment”, 2001, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0250258

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Включённое наблюдение или эксперимент… на себе! Студентки 4-го курса (2007) МГИМО

Включённое наблюдение или эксперимент… на себе!

Студентки 4-го курса (2007) МГИМО Екатерина

Пожиткова (Neckline) и Ольга Гринцевич…
Реакция персонала?
Маленькие различия / «Метод тонких долек»…
Одежда, поведение, язык…
Слайд 15

Эксперимент в метро «Пожалуйста, уступите мне место» Стэнли Милгрэм, Чикаго, Нью-Йорк Вы?

Эксперимент в метро

«Пожалуйста, уступите мне место»
Стэнли Милгрэм, Чикаго, Нью-Йорк