The Strategy for development of the Republic of Kazakhstan until the year 2030

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The Strategy for development of the Republic of Kazakhstan until the

The Strategy for development of the Republic of Kazakhstan until the

year 2030

In October 1997 the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in his Address to the people of the country «Prosperity, security and ever growing welfare of all the Kazakhstanis» presented the Strategy for development of the Republic of Kazakhstan until the year 2030. The "Kazakhstan-2030" Strategy outlined a long-term way of development of the sovereign republic, directed at transforming the country into one of the safest, most stable, ecologically sustained states of the world with a dynamically developing economy.

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The "Kazakhstan-2030" Strategy for development provides implementation of seven long-term priorities:

The "Kazakhstan-2030" Strategy for development  provides implementation of seven long-term priorities:

National security.

political stability and consolidation of the society.
Economic growth based on an open market economy with high level of foreign investments and internal savings.
Health, education and well-being of kazakhstani citizens.
Power resources.
Infrastructure, more particularly transport and communication.
Professional state. 
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Strategy Kazakhstan-2050 In December 2012 the Head of State in his

Strategy Kazakhstan-2050

In December 2012 the Head of State in his address

to the Nation presented the Strategy for development of the Republic of Kazakhstan until the year 2050. Its main goal is the establishment of a welfare society based on a strong statehood, developed economy and universal labor opportunities, as well as Kazakhstan's joining the thirty most developed countries of the world.
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To achieve this goal, the "Kazakhstan-2050" Strategy implies implementation of seven

To achieve this goal, the "Kazakhstan-2050" Strategy implies implementation of seven

long-term priorities:

1. The economic policy of the new course is a comprehensive economic pragmatism based on profitability, return on investment and competitiveness.
2. Comprehensive support for entrepreneurship - the leading strength of the national economy.
3. New principles of social policy - social guarantees and personal responsibility.
4. Knowledge and professional skills are key points of the modern system of education, training and retraining of personnel.
5. Further strengthening of statehood and development of Kazakhstan's democracy.
6. A consistent and predictable foreign policy is the promotion of national interests and the strengthening of regional and global security.
7. New Kazakhstani patriotism is the basis for the success of our multinational and multi-confessional society.

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Role of N.A. Nazarbayev’s work «Kazakhstan’s development strategy as a sovereign

Role of N.A. Nazarbayev’s work «Kazakhstan’s development strategy as a sovereign


After gaining independence, Kazakhstan faced the need to determine its own place in the system of geopolitical coordinates as soon as possible, formulate its national and state interests, build an adequate system of foreign policy priorities and lay the foundations of foreign policy strategy. According to many foreign and domestic experts, these tasks were successfully solved due to the fact that in such a difficult period the country was headed by its First President Nursultan Nazarbayev. The personal contacts established by N. Nazarbayev at the highest level helped to solve the most important tasks of the formation of the domestic foreign policy. As its main goal, the President defined the formation and maintenance of favorable external conditions for the successful implementation of the Strategy for the Formation and Development of Kazakhstan as a sovereign state.

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Role of N.A. Nazarbayev’s work «Kazakhstan’s development strategy as a sovereign

Role of N.A. Nazarbayev’s work «Kazakhstan’s development strategy as a sovereign


Formation and Development of Kazakhstan as a sovereign state. The fundamental principles of the foreign policy course of independent Kazakhstan were clearly formulated by the President in 1992 "The Strategy for the Formation and Development of Kazakhstan as a Sovereign State," where the peaceful direction of Kazakhstan's foreign policy on the international arena was proclaimed: "Recognizing our responsibility and understanding that any military conflict can lead to catastrophic consequences: we recognize the preservation of peace as a priority objective of the state policy of Kazakhstan; We reject war or the threat of military force as a means of achieving political, economic and other goals; We are striving to acquire the status of a nuclear-free state and to accede to a treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons; We support the principle of non-use of the first weapons of mass destruction and support the adoption of this commitment by all states of the world community; we adhere to the principles of inviolability of the existing borders, non-interference in the internal affairs of other states. "

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What are the strategic goals we set for ourselves today? In

What are the strategic goals we set for ourselves today?

In the

sphere of politics they are:
- Development of a young sovereign state in the direction of forming a strong presidential republic.
- the creation of a multiparty system that deepens democratic transformation and facilitates the consolidation of a multinational society that promotes new politicians and leaders;
- ensuring stability as the main political goal, as a necessary condition for the successful implementation of economic reforms, especially in the transition period;
- compliance with the geopolitical self-determination of many-sided and disparate military-political and economic balances ensuring the security and sovereignty of Kazakhstan;
- Increasing the political weight of Kazakhstan in the world community by respecting democratic freedoms and human rights, finding its own and significant place in the world economy;
- use of the advantageous geopolitical position of Kazakhstan in the technology of entering the world economic relations.
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In the sphere of economy: - the formation of a social

In the sphere of economy:
- the formation of a social market

economy based on competitive principles, with the combination and interaction of the basic forms of property (private and public), each of which will perform its functions in the overall system of economic and social interrelationships;
- creation of legal and other conditions for the realization of the principle of the economic self-determination of a person;
- the conquest of own or division with other countries of specific positions on world commodity markets on the basis of natural resources of Kazakhstan and reconstruction of its economy at the expense of outstripping development of processing and science intensive industries, export and
import-substituting industries with the involvement of modern foreign technology and technology;
- saturation of the consumer market. This is the main way to strengthen motivation for work, improve the quality of life of every Kazakh family and create social stability. Interest in labor will not be really strong until there is a sufficient abundance of consumer goods. Without this, also not to overcome inflation and budget deficits;
- attraction and effective use of foreign investments for the development of Kazakhstan.
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In the field of social development: - the creation of a

In the field of social development:
- the creation of a

society in which the well-being of all will in fact be ensured;
- providing everyone who wants entrepreneurial freedom and the possibility of applying forces in any other field of activity. As we have seen from experience, equalization, the absence of economic freedom, destroy an active principle in man. For society, this results in a loss of dynamism, generates social dependency;
- development of ethnic identity and preservation of the national and cultural diversity of Kazakhstan, strengthening on this basis
its prestige in the world as a region with a stable social and political climate;
- Increase in labor incomes, pensions and benefits as the economy grows and stabilizes, it integrates into world economic ties, but not allowing illegal enrichment.