10 places to visit in the USA

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The United States is not only new York city, skyscrapers, statue

The United States is not only new York city, skyscrapers, statue

of liberty, Broadway And Hollywood walk of fame, but also a host of other attractions and natural phenomena that make you admire and wonder. In the vast territory of the country there are impressive national parks and nature reserves, waterfalls, rivers, lakes and surreal mountain scenery. Every year millions of tourists go to America to see the unique natural phenomena or achievements of engineering.
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Mount Rushmore Where: Kingston, South Dakota The sculptural group carved in

Mount Rushmore

Where: Kingston, South Dakota
The sculptural group carved in mount Rushmore

is the hallmark and national heritage of America. The monument represents the bas-reliefs of four American presidents – George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt and Thomas Jefferson. Started to build this monument in 1927 with donations of American businessman Charles Rushmore and finished only in 1941. Presidents have been immortalized in stone, as they contributed to the establishment of democracy, independence and the abolition of slavery in the country.
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Grand Canyon national Park Where: Colorado plateau, Arizona The Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon national Park

Where: Colorado plateau, Arizona
The Grand Canyon is considered

to be the most popular natural attraction in the USA. Every year about 4 million people come to see this majestic miracle of nature. Cosmic landscapes, unusual colors of the rocks, the current at the bottom of the canyon the Colorado river are simply breathtaking. The best place to see the Canyon is a horseshoe shaped glass bridge – Skywalk, which was built in 2007. The bridge has a transparent glass floor with a thickness of 10 centimeters, is located at an altitude of 1 kilometer from the bottom of the abyss and is a real miracle of engineering technology.
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Niagara falls Where: on the border of new York state and

Niagara falls

Where: on the border of new York state and the

canadian province of Ontario
The system of waterfalls on the Niagara river consists of several waterfalls, the most famous and powerful of which – "Horseshoe". Its height is 53 meters and a width of 792. Since Niagara falls attracts millions of tourists every year, a lot of observation platforms, cable car and rainbow bridge were built for a better overview. Almost under jets of water ply pleasure craft that allow you to feel the full power of this natural phenomenon. Also, you can look at the waterfall from above, climbing into the air by helicopter or balloon. In the evening and at night streams of water light up multi-colored searchlights, creating feeling of magic of the events.
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Alcatraz Prison Where: San Francisco Bay, California Alcatraz is a prison

Alcatraz Prison

Where: San Francisco Bay, California
Alcatraz is a prison for particularly

dangerous criminals, now transformed into a Museum, which can be reached by ferry from San Francisco. The prison building was built in 1912, and originally contained prisoners of war in Alcatraz, and as a Federal prison for dangerous criminals Alcatraz earned in 1934. Special protective measures and the cold waters surrounding the island made the prison invulnerable. The high costs of the criminals led to the closure of the prison in 1963, and since 1973 Alcatraz has been open to tourists. The legendary image of Alcatraz, reproduced in many films and works of art, attracts millions of visitors every year.
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Bryce canyon Where: Utah The red, orange, yellow, terracotta and brown

Bryce canyon

Where: Utah
The red, orange, yellow, terracotta and brown colours of

the Bryce Canyon rock formations are incredible, especially at sunrise and sunset. The erosion of the winds created truly cosmic outlines of the rocks. Bryce Canyon is often visited with the Grand Canyon and Zion Canyon. Tourists are waiting for a variety of viewing platforms, horseback riding, skiing and Snowmobiling.
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"White Sands desert» Where: state of new Mexico White Sands desert

"White Sands desert»

Where: state of new Mexico
White Sands desert is probably

the most unusual desert in the world. Unusual as its color and material. White spaces look like snow dunes, but in fact it is gypsum. Animals and plants adapted to life here, not enough. The total area of the desert-about 280 kilometers. The desert is visited by many tourists, a proposal has been made to include it in the list of UNESCO world heritage site, but this is not possible because of the nearby military bases.
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Lake of morning glory Where: Yellowstone national Park, Wyoming The existence

Lake of morning glory

Where: Yellowstone national Park, Wyoming
The existence of this

lake it is hard to believe – it was so fantastic it looks. This is a small thermal source of azure color, the bottom of which tourists clogged with coins, which led to a violation of the thermal balance and the formation of micro-organisms at the edge of the source, which formed its yellow color. The lake has the ability to occasionally change color to purple or green, boil, or explode like a geyser. Every year millions of tourists come to see this miracle of nature.
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Sequoia national Park Where: Sierra Nevada, California This natural Park, founded

Sequoia national Park

Where: Sierra Nevada, California
This natural Park, founded in 1890,

is famous for its giant Sequoia trees. One of the sequoias (the diameter of the base of which reaches 32 meters) even has its own name – the Tree of General Sherman, and the most popular attraction is a small car tunnel cut in the trunk of a giant tree. Sequoias reach 100 m in height and 11 m in diameter, they live an average of 4 thousand years. The man next to such a tree looks just like an ant.
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"Glass beach» Where: national Park Mackerricher, California The history of this

"Glass beach»

Where: national Park Mackerricher, California
The history of this beach began

in 1949, when in its place was a city dump. Subsequently, the authorities came to the conclusion that the landfill is not the place here, and for decades, the sea waves turned broken glass into unusually beautiful colorful smooth stones. In 2002, the national Park Mackerricher bought the territory of this beach, ennobled her, and now it attracts thousands of tourists to see the result of the work of nature.