30 Getting to Know You Games


Слайд 2



Слайд 3

My name is Mariana and I like Super Hero Girls. Her

My name is Mariana and I like Super Hero Girls.


name is Mariana and she likes Super Hero Girls. My name is Dan and I like dancing.

Her name is Mariana and she likes Super Hero Girls. His name is Dan and he likes dancing. My name is Chloe and I like hamsters...

Say your name and one thing you like. The next person has to remember your thing, and add their own.

Name Game


Слайд 4

Introduce yourself with an adjective that begins with the same letter

Introduce yourself with an adjective that begins with the same letter

as your first name, e.g. ‘I’m Kind Kara.’

Name Game 2

The next person repeats your name and adjective and adds their own, e.g. ‘This is Kind Kara and I’m Smiley Sofie.’

Each student in turn tries to repeat all of the previous names in order, adding their own each time. Can you do a roll call of the whole class like this?


Слайд 5

Work in pairs. Ask questions to get to know your partner

Work in pairs. Ask questions to get to know your partner

and then present them to the class. Here are some topics you could talk about:

Present Your Partner

favourite things

plans for the term

interesting skills

what they like about learning English

their dreams for the future


Слайд 6

The player in the hot seat pretends to be a celebrity.

The player in the hot seat pretends to be a celebrity.

Don't tell the others who you are; they have to ask questions to discover your secret identity.

Celebrity Hot Seat

What can you remember from the last time you played Celebrity Hot Seat?



Слайд 7

Talk to everyone in the class, individually. The goal is to

Talk to everyone in the class, individually. The goal is to

talk until you find three things in common with the other person. Then, change partners. Try and avoid repetition when you talk to the next person.

Find Three Things in Common

“What’s your favourite food?”

“I love chocolate ice cream.”

“Me too! That’s one thing we have in common.”


Слайд 8

Ask questions until you have a name on each square. Then,

Ask questions until you have a name on each square. Then,

shout ‘Bingo!’.

Find Someone Who… Bingo!


Слайд 9

Look on your phone or computer and choose three emjois that

Look on your phone or computer and choose three emjois that

describe your life. Look at your partner’s memes and ask them some questions:

Three Emojis to Describe Me

My personality:

My interests:

“Why did you choose…?”
“Do you like…?”
“How often do you…?”
“Are you similar to/different from…?”


Слайд 10

Look on your phone or computer and choose three memes that

Look on your phone or computer and choose three memes that

describe your life. Look at your partner’s memes and ask them some questions:

Three Memes about My Life

“Why did you choose…?”
“Do you like…?”
“How often do you…?”
“Are you similar to/different from…?”


Слайд 11

In the past in Europe, noble families had a coat of

In the past in Europe, noble families had a coat of

arms that would represent them. Design a coat of arms that represents your family. You could include symbols connected to your name, your interests or your history. When you’re finished, look at your partner’s coat of arms and ask questions:

Draw a Coat of Arms

“Why did you draw…?”


Слайд 12

Press the spinner and answer the question. The Question Spinner – Easy Mode back

Press the spinner and answer the question.

The Question Spinner – Easy



Слайд 13

Press the spinner and answer the question. The Question Spinner – Challenge Mode back

Press the spinner and answer the question.

The Question Spinner – Challenge



Слайд 14

Everyone has a special skill. What’s yours? It could be something

Everyone has a special skill. What’s yours? It could be something

small, like how to make the perfect cup of hot chocolate, or something big, like how to win a cycling race.

What Can You Teach Me?

Think about what you can teach your partner. You have a couple of minutes to teach them this new skill.

Then, your partner will teach you something new, too!


Слайд 15

What values are important to you? You can choose three. Here

What values are important to you? You can choose three. Here

are some ideas for you, but you can choose your own, too. Look at your partner’s list. Ask them questions about what they wrote.

My Values
















Слайд 16

Think of some facts about yourself. Then, write down some short

Think of some facts about yourself. Then, write down some short

answers, just one or two words, e.g. ‘2 years’, ‘12th July’, ‘chocolate milkshake’.

If This Is the Answer, What Is the Question?

See if your partner can guess the question for each of your answers.

For example:
How long have you been learning English? When is your birthday? What is your favourite drink?


Слайд 17

Think about five things you appreciate about your life. They could

Think about five things you appreciate about your life. They could

be small things, like your favourite chocolate bar, or big things, like your health or your family. Write them down.

Five Things I’m Grateful For

Look at your partner’s list and ask questions.

“Do you like…?”

“Why did you write…?”

“What about…?”


Слайд 18

We all have dreams and goals for our lives. A SMART

We all have dreams and goals for our lives. A SMART

goal is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timed. Create a SMART goal of your own to plan your progress towards that dream.

What Are Your Goals for the Term?

E.g. My dream is to study in England for a term at university.

I need to get a good grade on the IELTS test to study in the UK.


I need to score at least a 6.0 on the practice exam.


My score is 5.0 now, so a 6.0 is achievable.


Scoring a 6.0 on the practice exam will prepare me for the real exam next term.


I will achieve this by the end of this term.



Слайд 19

a pair of glasses (you can keep them on!) a glue

a pair of glasses (you can keep them on!)

a glue stick


water bottle

a leaf

a necklace


a small pair of scissors (Don’t Run!)

a hat or cap

a blue eraser

Can you collect all of the items as a class?

Treasure Hunt


Слайд 20

Think up ten items for each category, and then work with

Think up ten items for each category, and then work with

a group to rank them from best to worst.

From the Best to the Worst




Слайд 21

Gather some photos together: one of you having a great time

Gather some photos together:
one of you having a great time
one of

someone important to you
one of a place that you love

My Photo Album Show and Tell

You may do this as homework. Show them to your class, then ask and answer questions about the photos.


Слайд 22

Choose an object that’s important to you. Why does it mean

Choose an object that’s important to you. Why does it mean

a lot to you?

Object Show and Tell


Слайд 23

This is your class, and this is your opportunity to think

This is your class, and this is your opportunity to think

about what kind of class you’d like it to be.

This Class Is…

Have a discussion with your partner and then as a group.

What are the class rules?
What do you want to achieve?
How will you be kind to each other? 
How will you help each other focus on improving your English?
What should your teacher know about you?


Слайд 24

Your teacher will choose two people from the class. These two

Your teacher will choose two people from the class. These two

people must have a conversation but only using questions. They cannot say an affirmative or negative sentence. For example:

Only Questions… No Answers

“What kind of music do you like?”

“Do you know any other bands from England?”

“Is One Direction from England?”

“Have you ever heard of a band called the Arctic Monkeys?”

“Yes, they are! Oh no… I lost!”

“Are they very popular?”


Слайд 25

Count up from one as far as you can. Instead of

Count up from one as far as you can.
Instead of even

numbers, say ‘beep’. Instead of multiples of three, say ‘bop’. Instead of multiples of ten, say ‘buzz’.

Beep, Bop, Buzz!

One, beep, bop, beep, five, beep-bop, seven, beep, bop, beep-buzz! 


Слайд 26

You will be doing an activity with coloured pencils. Find as

You will be doing an activity with coloured pencils. Find as

many coloured pencils as you can.

The Facts Are in the Pencils

Once you have your pencils, click here for the instructions.

Now, tell the group one fact for every pencil that you have!


Слайд 27

One student says a word, e.g. fish. The next student must

One student says a word, e.g. fish. The next student must

say a word that either rhymes with that word (e.g. dish) or that could be in the same category or topic as the word (e.g. swim). Take it in turns until someone can’t think of a word or repeats one that has already been said.

Fish, Dish, Spoon


Слайд 28

One student secretly draws a simple picture of an object. Then,

One student secretly draws a simple picture of an object. Then,

give everyone else instructions on how to draw the same object without giving away any clues about what the object is.

Copy My Drawing

Draw a circle. In the bottom half of the circle, draw a banana shape that curves upwards. Above each end of the banana shape, draw a small to medium-sized circle. Draw a black dot inside both circles. Above each circle, draw a short line - no longer than the width of the circle - that curves down slightly. What do you think my picture was?

For example:


Слайд 29

Create a new species by putting together what you had for

Create a new species by putting together what you had for

breakfast and your favourite animal, e.g. the pancake lion. Describe your new scientific discovery. Where does this creature live? What does it do in the daytime? What does it eat?

New to Science


Слайд 30

Can you spot what shape this jigsaw will make? Tell your

Can you spot what shape this jigsaw will make? Tell your

teacher which piece to move into position. To move the puzzle pieces you will need to exit presentation mode

Puzzle Pieces

Show Hint

Show Answer


Слайд 31

Each student needs an object that makes a noise. Take it

Each student needs an object that makes a noise. Take it

in turns to ‘play’ your instrument - can the other students guess what tune or song you’re playing? Can you organise the whole class orchestra to play a tune you all know together?

Class Orchestra


Слайд 32

It’s time to put your teacher in the hot seat. With

It’s time to put your teacher in the hot seat. With

your partner, think of three questions you’d like to ask your teacher. Then, see what answers your teacher has for you!

Ask Your Teacher…

For example:

“Why did you become a teacher?”

“What’s your favourite chocolate bar?”
