Komova Alena 11A

Слайд 2

There are australian animals.

There are australian animals.

Слайд 3

Слайд 4

Platypus The length of a body of a platypus is 30-40


The length of a body of a platypus is 30-40 sm,

a tail is 10—15 sm, its weighs is 2 kg.
There are fat stocks in tail of platypus. It has dense, soft fur. Usually it has brown fur on the back and grey fur on a belly.
Young platypuses have 8 teeth.
Platypus — one of few poisonous mammals possessing a toxic saliva.
Platypus’ eggs are round and small (11 mm)
Слайд 5

Echidna Echidnas are covered by rough wool and needles. The maximum


Echidnas are covered by rough wool and needles. The maximum length

of their body is 30 sm.
Echidnas’ extremities are short and strong. Echidna has big claws. So, they can well dig. Echidnas don't have teeth, their mouth is very small.
Echidna puts one egg with a soft shell and places it in the bag.
Слайд 6

Dingo Dingo is unique placentary predator in native fauna of Australia.


Dingo is unique placentary predator in native fauna of Australia.
The length

of their body is 86-122 sm, length of a tail is 26—38 sm, weight is 9,60—19 kg.
The dingos’ fur is short and dense, typical colour is red or brown. Colour is more light on a bally.
Слайд 7

Emu Its height is about 2 m, weight is 50 kg.


Its height is about 2 m, weight is 50 kg. Emu

can run with a speed of 50 km/h.
Emus like to swim. They are very good in swimming. It is strange, because of their size.
Emus eat only vegetative forage.
The Australian farmers think that emus spoil crops, trample down the pastures taken away for sheep. So, these birds are exterminated by thousands. Meat of emus is really tasty.