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«Moscow 860»
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Moscow - 860 «Moscow 860» started in September 2007 and was

Moscow - 860

«Moscow 860» started in September 2007 and was successfully

completed in January 2008. The project originated from the Gymnasium’s wish to contribute to the celebration of the 860 anniversary of Moscow. It was an interesting and unique experience first of all because in involved a wide range of schools of different types.

Our group has chosen this theme because we love and we are proud Moscow.

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Moscow Moscow – capital of the Russian Federation , City –


Moscow – capital of the Russian Federation , City – Hero

, center of Moscow Oblast. Moscow is the largest country and one of the most important political , industrial, scientific and cultural centers in the world.
Founded – the first record in the Chronicles dates back to 1147.
Location – in the European part of the Russian Federation, between the rivers Oka and Volga on the Moskwa River. The city boundaries are marked by the Moscow Outer Ring Highway.
Territory – 1081 sq. km.
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It is located in a most

picturesque Moscow estate of Vlakhernskoye-Kuzminki formerly owned by barons Stroganovs and princes Golitsyns. The history of the estate dates from 1702, when Peter the Great donated these lands to baron Stroganov for special merits before the Motherland. On September 5, 1999 it housed the museum of the Russian estate culture. The exposition will acquaint you with the history of the estate, routine of the Russian nobility, manner of life and the hobbies of the estate owners. The museum may offer unique excursions and programs.
I like Kuzminki. In winter I and my parents like to ski there. When the weather is warm I go for a walk in the park with my friends. I spend my free time there with great pleasure!
Open: 11.00-19.00; WED, FRI: 11.00-18.00
Closed on MON and last FRI of every month
Druzhinina Masha.
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Pushkin Museum Of Fine Arts. This is one of the most

Pushkin Museum Of Fine Arts.

This is one of the most significant

art collections in Russia presenting works of world art from ancient times nowadays. It was founded in 1912 by Ivan Tsvetaev, professor of Moscow University. The museum was created on public donations, the most significant part being made by the Russian patron of art Y. Nachaev-Maltsev. The architect of the building was R. Klein. In 1937 the museum was named after the great Russian poet A. Pushkin. The collection totals more than 500,000 works of painting and plastic art, graphic and applied art, archeological findings and numismatics. Masterpieces by Botticelli, Veronese, Tiepolo, Poussin, Vatto, Bouchte, Corot, Monet, Renoir, Cezanne, Van Gogh, Gaugin, Mattise and Picasso are also displayed there. Pavlova Ira
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State Tretyakov Gallery The State Tretyakov Gallery is a largest museum

State Tretyakov Gallery

The State Tretyakov Gallery is a largest museum

in the world. It is the main national collection, representing the development of Russian Art from the XI to XX centuries. The foundation of the museum was laid by the P. Tretyakov in 1856, who donated his collection to the city in 1892. The museum houses a collection of more than 130 000 artworks. The gallery has an extensive collection of realistic paintings of the second half of the XX century. Art impressionism collections are display in the in the section of the XIX centuries.
I really like this gallery! I was there mane time. And every time I saw new beautiful pictures. It is very interesting to walk along the plentiful rooms of this house of art, examine and discuss pictures of greatest artists.
Kuptsova Evgenia
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GUM The ornate Neo-Russian facade of GUM, Moscow's "State Department Store".


The ornate Neo-Russian facade of GUM, Moscow's "State Department Store". Built

between 1890 and 1893 by Alexander Pomerantsev, the building features an interesting combination of elements of Russian medieval ecclesiastical architecture and an elegant steel framework and glass. This modern 3-story arcade is the largest shop in Moscow and was built to replace the old hall of the Upper Trading Rows, which existed earlier on the same site but burnt down in 1825. The original hall contained some 1,200 separate shops and stalls and was one of Moscow's liveliest markets.
Light floods in through the building's glass roof and souvenir stands, foreign stores and designer boutiques fill the arcades.
I was in GUM last year. It’s a very good place for shopping! And an interesting and beautiful place for tourists!
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Information Reception office of Moscow City Government Cinema “Solyaris” Bowling “Kalancha”


Reception office of Moscow City Government
Cinema “Solyaris”
Bowling “Kalancha”
Internet Portal

Pererva st.,58

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Pictures of Moscow

Pictures of Moscow

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