Meeting 65th anniversary of Great Victory…

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Musa Jalil Abdulla Alish Gazinur Gafiatullin Fatikh Karim Musa Jalil Abdulla Alish Gazinur Gafiatullin Fatikh Karim

Musa Jalil
Abdulla Alish
Gazinur Gafiatullin
Fatikh Karim

Musa Jalil

Abdulla Alish
Gazinur Gafiatullin
Fatikh Karim
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1942 Pletsenzee prison Musa Jalil is in single ward…

Pletsenzee prison
Musa Jalil is in
single ward…

Слайд 4

He longed for his daughter Chulpan and devoted her best poems

He longed for his daughter Chulpan and devoted her

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To Amina I am loyal to you with all my heart,

To Amina

I am loyal to you with all my heart,

I’ll be true to you till dust turns to dust…
Слайд 6

To a friend I swore an oath: I swore I’d give

To a friend
I swore an oath: I swore I’d give

my life for
My people, country – all that they imply!
Слайд 7

We never forget this date: August 25, 1944

We never forget this date:
August 25, 1944