Alphabet Fruit & Vegetable Challenge

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Would you like a challenge?
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Then proceed to the next screen

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Your challenge To find a fruit or vegetable for each letter in the English alphabet

Your challenge
To find
a fruit or vegetable
for each letter

the English alphabet
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Example Asparagus


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Example Blueberries


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Example Cauliflower


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Will you complete the challenge? Good Luck

Will you complete the challenge?
Good Luck

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Teacher Reference - Fruit Apples - Apricots - Avocados – Bananas

Teacher Reference - Fruit
Apples - Apricots - Avocados – Bananas

- Blueberries - Cherries
Cranberries - Dates - Figs - Grapefruit – Grapes
Honeydew Melon - Kiwifruit - Lemons – Limes
Mangos - Melons (Cantaloupe, Casaba, Crenshaw, Honey Ball, Honey Dew, Persian)
Nectarines - Oranges - Passion - Fruit – Peaches
Pears - Pineapple - Plums - Prunes - Quince
Quandong - Raspberries - Star Fruit – Strawberries - Tangerines - Tomatoes
Uniq Fruit - Watermelon
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Teacher Reference - Vegetables Alfalfa Sprout – Asparagus – Arugula –

Teacher Reference - Vegetables
Alfalfa Sprout – Asparagus – Arugula – Artichoke

Shoots – Beans - Beets – Beetroot
Bok Choy - Broccoli - Brussels Sprouts Cabbage Carrots -Cauliflower – Celery Celeriac – Chard Chicory (Endives) – Collards – Corn Cucumbers - Eggplant - Italian Flat Beans – Jalapenos -Jicama – Kale – Leeks - Lettuce (Butter-head, Iceberg, Leaf, Romaine) Mushrooms - Mustard Greens – Okra – OnionsParsnips Peas - Peppers (green, red, yellow)
Potatoes - Radishes – Rhubarb – Rutabagas Spinach - Spring Onion - Squash (Acorn, Butternut, Spaghetti) - Sweet Potatoes - Turnips - Watercress – Yams -Zucchini
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Teacher Reference More Fruit and Vegetables at

Teacher Reference  
More Fruit and Vegetables at