Article cliché


Слайд 2

Слайд 3

Как разрабатываем экзаменационный текст/грамматику: 1. Выписать лексику из текста/повторение нужной грамматики.

Как разрабатываем экзаменационный текст/грамматику:
1. Выписать лексику из текста/повторение нужной грамматики. 2.Введение лексики

с картинками/отработка грам.упражнений. 3. Перевод+кубик 4.Сам текст( animated with answers) 5.История на англ, затем перевод с русского на англ. 6. Видео на тему текста 7. На дом задаем диктант прописывать+ учить нашу историю на англ.

Как учим экзаменационному говорению:
Показываем задание экзамена+клише фраз.
Читаем или смотрим пример говорения!
Практикуемся вместе с учителем.
Практика в парах.
Фразы можно задать на дом на диктант.

Как учим экзаменационному написанию:
Показываем задание экзамена+клише фраз.(+клеем крибы)
Читаем пример письменного задания!
3.Разрабатываем план и вспоминаем нужные слова.
4.Вспоминаем слова-связки!
5.Начинаем писать задание в классе в конце урока.
6.На дом задаём закончить работу на выходных.
-Проверка работ идёт на доске на следующий урок.

Слайд 4

Для писем-обязательны шаблоны и разбор примеров(в классе) +минимум грамматический и лексический

Для писем-обязательны шаблоны и разбор примеров(в классе)
+минимум грамматический и лексический
Видео после

большого текста по этой тематике.
Учить истории с лексикой
Составление историй на русском, чтобы отрабатывать.
Шаблоны проверки для письменных заданий.
Team building games
Not friendship
Расписание переделать
Нормативы урока: natural,active
:Lost in space
Conjunctions even…
Слайд 5

Нормативы урока: 1.Mood slide 2.Speaking warming –up 3.Checking the H.T 4.Fun

Нормативы урока:
1.Mood slide
2.Speaking warming –up
3.Checking the H.T
4.Fun stuff
5.Exam speaking-1
6.Film after

checking the H.T
8.Natural part
10.Exam speaking-2
12.Active part
13.Writing challenge in the end
Слайд 6

Were you born in December? Шахова Юлиана

Were you born
in December?

Шахова Юлиана

Слайд 7

January birthdays!!! Were you born in January?

January birthdays!!!

Were you born
in January?

Слайд 8

First, take your Stationery boxes and glue the cribs! Then, let

First, take your Stationery boxes
and glue the cribs!
Then, let your teacher

sign in your copybooks!

We all must be organised:

Look at yourselves!
You look lovely!

Слайд 9

2021-2022-Bamboo(FCE) Федорченко Даниил Богосьян Софья Диденко Валерия Лысенко Андрей Левин Герман


Федорченко Даниил

Богосьян Софья

Диденко Валерия

Лысенко Андрей

Левин Герман

Смешной бонус

Хайбулина Ксения

Потапова Лиза

English Club Loves

Слайд 10

Take the card and say why you wish this.

Take the card and say why you wish this.

Слайд 11

Pets Friends Travel




Слайд 12

Health Marks



Слайд 13

Happy family Fine weather Success Great gym

Happy family

Fine weather


Great gym

Слайд 14

Home task: Выдаётся на уроке в понедельник/вторник/среду 10.01.2022/11.01.2022/12.01.2022. Сделать на среду/

Home task: Выдаётся на уроке в понедельник/вторник/среду
Сделать на  среду/ четверг/ пятницу

12.01.2022/ 13.01.2022/ 14.01.2022.
1. Grammar tasks.

Your Hometask:

Слайд 15

What have you written out? _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

What have you written out?


















Слайд 16

Find 7 differences

Find 7 differences

Слайд 17

What have you written out? _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________________________ _____________ _____________

What have you written out?








Make up the examples with these adjectives

and verbs!!!








Слайд 18

Let’s laugh!

Let’s laugh!

Слайд 19

Let’s laugh!

Let’s laugh!

Слайд 20

suggested that Tim should don’t need to buy likely to come

suggested that Tim should

don’t need to buy

likely to come

ought to have


must be written

must have been completely broken

doesn’t dare to stand

needn’t have bought

shouldn't have argued

essential that she must be

ought to have visited

may not have recognised

could be sleeping

Слайд 21

Let’s laugh!

Let’s laugh!

Слайд 22

Let’s laugh!

Let’s laugh!

Слайд 23

shouldn’t have lent is supposed to be couldn’t have left he

shouldn’t have lent

is supposed to be

couldn’t have left

he must

was able



have read

mustn’t use

don’t have to

would bite his nails

was supposed to water the

should have warned me

might have cut

must be speaking

needn’t return, need

about inviting the Browns

Слайд 24

You deserve the chosen film. “The Groundhog day” “The Huntsman” “The Frozen”

You deserve the chosen film.

“The Groundhog day”

“The Huntsman”

“The Frozen”

Слайд 25

Listening First-for-Schools-Trainer-audio2-01(p.121-Test 3) It will take 12 minutes!!!!


First-for-Schools-Trainer-audio2-01(p.121-Test 3)

It will take 12 minutes!!!!

Слайд 26

Слайд 27

Слайд 28

Слайд 29

Natural games

Natural games

Слайд 30

Speaking in pairs (Don’t forget to ask additional questions to each other!)

Speaking in pairs
(Don’t forget to ask additional questions to each other!)

Слайд 31

Слайд 32

Article cliché Title Introduction: can have rhetorical questions to involve the

Article cliché

Introduction: can have rhetorical questions to involve the readers.

Second question.
4. Conclusion: In final sentences address to the reader. Try to be funny or surprising!

Have you ever…? What do you think about…? Are you one of those people who…? What would life be if…? Will the future bring us…?

Focus on the given questions. Give the examples!

Modals: It must be great to…
Conditionals: If I were…, I would go…/ I wish I had…
Passive: It is said to be… I was impressed by…
Participle 1: Most people do nothing thinking about good luck…
Present Perfect (Cont): I have been thinking about …for all my life but still…
Interesting vocabulary(adjectives)(amazing, incredible, dreadful, nasty…).
Linking words: First,…Then,…Additionally,…Also,…So,…For example,.. Moreover,…
Secondly,…By the way,…For instance,…However,.. In addition,…

To sum up,…To conclude,…In conclusion,…All in all,…On the whole,…
You won’t believe…You would never forget…You will not regret it!

Слайд 33

Write out the unknown words, make up sentences. 1.Essential – важный,

Write out the unknown words,
make up sentences.
1.Essential – важный,

2. Filthy – запачканный, мерзкий


Just explain and mention!


Слайд 34

Just in case!

Just in case!

Слайд 35

Read the article,first. Then, you will do some exercises.

Read the article,first.
Then, you will do some exercises.

Слайд 36



Слайд 37

Слайд 38

Read the second article now. Then, you will do some exercises.

Read the second article now.
Then, you will do some exercises.

Слайд 39

Слайд 40



Слайд 41

Team building games Any card game?

Team building games

Any card game?

Слайд 42

Слайд 43

Let’s make up a plan and brainstorm the essential vocabulary! Title

Let’s make up a plan
and brainstorm the
essential vocabulary!

Have you ever thought

clothes of the future?
2. New opportunities of the
fashion industry.
3. What clothes will people be
wearing? Why?(practical
or flashy and provoking)
4. Conclusion.
Nobody can predict future,
I hope we will be amazed
and enjoy it anyway.
Слайд 44

Now you are ready to write!

Now you are ready
to write!

Слайд 45

Home task: Выдаётся на уроке в среду/ четверг/ пятницу: 12.01.2022/ 13.01.2022/

Home task: Выдаётся на уроке в среду/ четверг/ пятницу:
12.01.2022/ 13.01.2022/

Сделать на понедельник/вторник/среду:
1.Dictation: Article cliche (Prep.copying the sentences)+Grammar notes
2. Smart skills-Unit 1-revision of lexis+grammar
(Write out everything you have forgotten!!!)-10 pages!!!
3.Write the article+the plan(For checking on the board)

Your Hometask:

Слайд 46

Слайд 47

Let’s make up a plan and brainstorm the essential vocabulary! Title

Let’s make up a plan
and brainstorm the
essential vocabulary!

Have you ever thought

clothes of the future?
2. New opportunities of the
fashion industry.
3. What clothes will people be
wearing? Why?(practical
or flashy and provoking)
4. Conclusion.
Nobody can predict future,
I hope we will be amazed
and enjoy it anyway.
Слайд 48

Слайд 49