Christmas in Spain

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Christmas - this is without a doubt, the most important Spanish

Christmas - this is without a doubt, the most important Spanish

holiday. Preparing for it begins in November. Gradually decorated city streets, in shops and streets are established trees, and everywhere are seen the Pope Noel - brothers of Santa Claus and Santa Claus. Celebrate Christmas and begin long before the official date. About a week or two restaurants organized Christmas dinner for friends and / or colleagues. Traditionally, these dinners are closer to the end in the morning. Every Spaniard average visits three such dinners. As a result, the entire second half of December, in fact, is not working.
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Christmas in Spain - is a quiet family celebration, held in

Christmas in Spain - is a quiet family celebration, held in

the family. Evening of 24 December and all day on December 25 Spaniards give each other presents and eat a purely Christmas products. First of all, sweets: candy, marzipan, anise candy.
In addition to sweets, always in a festive table every Spanish family the presence of marine crustaceans - shrimp, crabs, lobsters, and champagne. In addition to the rich traditional Christmas holiday table is an attribute of Belen - the layout, now symbolizes the birth of Christ. Henbane could be a variety of sizes. They adorn the shop windows as well as urban areas. It has attracted the interest of the Spaniards, and especially children.
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On Christmas Day Christians often sent to the celebratory service at

On Christmas Day Christians often sent to the celebratory service at

the church. This so-called Misa de aurora, or Misa de gallo (morning or "cock" the Messiah). Apparently, the name indicates that the holiday prayer service lasts a long time, before dawn, before the roosters. Christmas night the Spaniards called Nochebuena.