Colourful Grammar Түрлі-түсті грамматика. Цветная грамматика by text A child

Слайд 2

Define parts of speech through the colours

Define parts of speech through the colours

Слайд 3

4. Adverbs have: simple/comparative/ superlative forms (without the) Parts of speech

4. Adverbs have:
superlative forms
(without the)
of speech

5. Verbs have regular/irregular forms


Pronouns have:
1.Personal - I;
2. Demonstrative - this;
3. Possessive - my/mine;
4. Objective -me;
5. Indefinite - some;
6. Interrogative - who;
7. Relative - which;
8. Reflexive - myself;
9. Negative - nobody;
10. Reciprocal – each other

3. Adjectives have: simple/comparative/
superlative forms
(with the)

9. Prepositions:
e.g. at/in/for

6. Phrasal verbs
e.g. to rub out

cardinal /ordinal

1.Nouns can be :
2.Singular/Plural forms;
3.Possessive case

11. Idioms:
e.g. to roll in money

8. Articles: a/an/the

10. Conjunctions:
e.g. and/but/when

12 State phrase:
e.g. to make sandwich

Слайд 4

#9.Прочитайте текст и выполните задание. When a child goes to school

#9.Прочитайте текст и выполните задание.

When a child goes to school for

the first time, this marks the beginning of a new period in his life. It is of great importance that the day should leave a lasting memory. The beginners bring flowers with them on their first day and their parents and relatives come to the school to give them a good send-off. When the child comes home after his first day, the family gets together to listen to his impressions and a party is usually arranged to mark the occasion.
Завершите предложение согласно содержанию текста.
When a child comes home after his first day at school, the family usually....
a) is very busy
b) doesn't pay attention to him
c) sends him to the Library
d) makes a party
e) buys him a bag.
Слайд 5

Define the nouns from the texts

Define the nouns from the texts

Слайд 6

Define the nouns from the texts

Define the nouns from the texts

Слайд 7

Define the pronouns from the texts

Define the pronouns from the texts

Слайд 8

Define the pronouns from the texts

Define the pronouns from the texts

Слайд 9

Define the adjectives from the texts

Define the adjectives from the texts

Слайд 10

Define the adjectives from the texts

Define the adjectives from the texts

Слайд 11

Define the adverbs from the texts

Define the adverbs from the texts

Слайд 12

Define the adverbs from the texts

Define the adverbs from the texts

Слайд 13

Define the prepositions from the texts

Define the prepositions from the texts

Слайд 14

Define the prepositions from the texts

Define the prepositions from the texts

Слайд 15

Define the conjunction from the texts

Define the conjunction from the texts

Слайд 16

Define the tenses of the verbs from the texts

Define the tenses of the verbs from the texts

Слайд 17

Define the tenses of the verbs from the texts

Define the tenses of the verbs from the texts