Comparatives and superlatives

Слайд 2

Слайд 3

7. Фdverbs = adjectives (forms) – er/est Hard, fast, free, early,

7. Фdverbs = adjectives (forms) – er/est
Hard, fast, free, early, late,

high, low, deep, long, near, straight
Слайд 4

Types of comparisons As + adj + as такой же, как

Types of comparisons
As + adj + as такой же, как
Not as/so

… as не такой, как
Less + adj + than менее …., Чем
The least + adj + of/in наименее… из/среди
The most …of/in наиболее … из/среди
Much/a lot/far/a little/a bit/slightly + comparative степень различия
comparative + and + comparative возрастание или уменьшение
By far + the + superlative подчеркивание отличия
Twice/three times/half as…(positive degree)…as
The same …as
Look/sound/smell/taste + like
The comparative…, the + comparative