Conditional sentences


Слайд 2




will + V1

will + V1

if + the Present Simple



the Present Simple
Слайд 3

Read the sentences He will give the dog the sugar if

Read the sentences

He will give the dog the sugar if it

jumps as high as that.
We’ll catch the train if we take a taxi.
If you promise not to be late, I’ll let you go for a walk.
They will not go to the skating-rink if it is very frosty.
If she calls, tell her I will be at work.
When he asks me, I will not able to tell him about it.
Слайд 4

Correct the sentences If the weather will be fine, we will

Correct the sentences

If the weather will be fine, we will go

to picnic tomorrow.
When she will come, we have listen to music on this CD.
If I go to St. Petersburg, I visit Nevsky Prospect, Winter Palace and St.Isaac’s Cathedral.
I will go to the hospital, if I am not well.
I’ll prepare dinner, if my mother ask me.
If he invites me to the party, I can not go there.
Слайд 5

Translate into English Если мама попросит меня купить продукты, я пойду

Translate into English

Если мама попросит меня купить продукты, я пойду в

новый супермаркет.
Я помогу ему, если он меня попросит.
Она не пойдет с ним в кафе, если он позвонит ей.
Скажи ей что случилось, если она спросит.
Когда они придут, мы будем пить чай.
Если погода будет солнечная, мы пойдем на прогулку в парк.
Я смогу написать тест, если буду заниматься упорно.
Слайд 6

Check yourself If my Mum asks me to buy some food,

Check yourself

If my Mum asks me to buy some food, I

will go to a new supermarket.
I will help her, if he asks me.
She will not go to the cafe, if he calls her.
Tell her what’s happen, if she asks you.
When they come, we will drink tea.
If the weather is sunny, we will go for a walk in the park.
I will be able to write a test, if I work hard.
Слайд 7

Finish and put down the sentences I will go to the

Finish and put down the sentences

I will go to the library

We will visit some sightseeing if…
You will go for a walk if…
We will spend two days in the country if…
You will enjoy the concert if…
We will go shopping if…
I will introduce you to my friend if…
We will get some information from Internet if…
Слайд 8




If + the Past Simple


+ V 1


Условные предложения второго типа выражают маловероятные и нереальные условия, относящиеся к настоящему или будущему времени.

Would+ V 1

If + the Past Simple

Слайд 9

Read the sentences If I had time now, I would go

Read the sentences

If I had time now, I would go to

the concert, but I’m busy.
He would send us a telegram, if he knew where we lived.
If we went to the river, we would have a good time there.
I would go to the doctor, if I were you.
She would buy a new car, if she had enough money.
He wouldn’t go to the football matches, if he didn’t like football.
Слайд 10

Correct the sentences We visit the exhibition if we were not

Correct the sentences

We visit the exhibition if we were not so

I would tell him about it, if I was you.
If they go to the concert of rock group, they would enjoy it very much.
If you were not so tired, we would see some more places of interest.
He wouldn’t take part in competition, if he didn’t liked ski.
Слайд 11

Translate into English Если бы я был на твоем месте, я

Translate into English

Если бы я был на твоем месте, я бы

не сделал так.
Я бы подарил ей мою картину, если бы она пригласила меня на свой день рождения.
Если бы ты посмотрел этот фильм, ты получил бы удовольствие.
Если бы он пришел, я бы сказала ему об этом.
Он бы не пошел на этот концерт, если бы не любил эту группу.
Слайд 12

Check yourself If I were you, I wouldn’t do that. I

Check yourself

If I were you, I wouldn’t do that.
I would

give my picture to her, if she invited me on her birthday.
If you watched the film, you would enjoy it.
If he came to see me, I would say him about it.
He wouldn’t go to the concert, if he didn’t like this group.
Слайд 13

Finish and put down the sentences They would get interesting information

Finish and put down the sentences

They would get interesting information about

this actor, if…
I would go to the school New Year party, if…
She would invite his on her birthday, if…
We would buy that great toy for our small sister, if…
He would say “I love you” ,if…
Слайд 14

CONDITIONAL SENTENCES-3 Условные предложения 3-го типа выражают условия, не реализованные в


Условные предложения 3-го типа выражают условия, не реализованные в прошлом

и, следовательно, совершенно не выполнимые


If + the Past Perfect

Would + have V3

Would + have V3

If + the Past Perfect


Слайд 15

Read the sentences If Dan had taken part in the game,

Read the sentences

If Dan had taken part in the game, the

team would have won it.
I wouldn’t have finished my work, if you hadn’t helped me.
They would have prepared for the examinations better, if they had known about it earlier.
The children would have played in the open air , if the weather had been better.
You would have got a better mark , if you hadn’t made so many mistakes.
Слайд 16

Correct the sentences If you had go to the stadium, you

Correct the sentences

If you had go to the stadium, you would

have seen an interesting game.
She wouldn’t have forgotten to take her copy-book, if she has put it in her bag yesterday.
If she had known about your birthday, she have come.
I would have buy some bread, if I had known that we have not it at home.
If she had read a poem, she would got a very good mark.
Слайд 17

Translate into English Если бы ты пришел в школу вчера, ты

Translate into English

Если бы ты пришел в школу вчера, ты бы

знал все новости.
Мы бы перевели этот текст, если бы ты попросил меня помочь тебе.
Он бы сделал эту работу, если бы ты ему помог.
Она бы не опоздала на поезд, если бы ты пришел вовремя.
Если бы мы поехали в Москву прошлым летом, мы бы сходили в Третьяковскую галерею.
Слайд 18

Check yourself If you had come to school yesterday, you would

Check yourself

If you had come to school yesterday, you would have

known all the news.
We would have translated the text, if you had asked me to help you.
He would have done his work, if you had helped him.
She wouldn’t have missed the train, if you had come in time.
If we had gone to Moscow last summer, we would have visited the Tretyakov Gallery.