Conditionals. Условные предложения в английском языке

Слайд 2

2 части предложения Main clause – основное If-clause (condition) – условное

2 части предложения

Main clause – основное
If-clause (condition) – условное
Не только if:

As long as
In case
On condition (that)
Or else
What if
Even if
Only if

If you don’t reserve a ticket, you won’t get a seat.
Unless you reserve a ticket, you won’t get a seat.
Only if you reserve a ticket, you will get a seat.
Reserve a ticket, otherwise you won’t get a seat.
What if he doesn’t reserve tickets, will you still go with him?
Supposing he reserves wrong tickets, will you still go with him?
Will you still go with him even if he reserves wrong tickets.

Слайд 3

5 типов условных предложений

5 типов условных предложений

Слайд 4

Примеры Zero If I wash the dishes, he dries them. If

Примеры Zero

If I wash the dishes, he dries them.
If the fruit

is soft, it’s ready to eat.
If my uncle caught fish, he always gave it to us.
If it rained, we went by bus.
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Примеры First If I see Anna, I’ll tell her. If she

Примеры First

If I see Anna, I’ll tell her.
If she doesn’t arrive

by five, we’ll leave without her.
If you finish the work early, we’ll go for a walk.
If you’re ill, see a doctor.
If we get there in time, we can sit at the front.
If you have finished your coffee, we can pay the bill.
Going to:
If he says that again, I’m going to cry.
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Примеры Second If I got a job, I’d move to Paris.

Примеры Second

If I got a job, I’d move to Paris.
If you

lived here, we’d meet more often.
If I were you, I’d call them.
If I had money, I would travel around the world.
If you came here, you could stay with us.
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Примеры Third If he had called me, I would have helped

Примеры Third

If he had called me, I would have helped him.

we hadn’t left so early, we would have missed the flight.
If he had asked me, we could have fixed it.
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Примеры Mixed If I were rich, I would have offered them

Примеры Mixed

If I were rich, I would have offered them help.

your parents hadn’t met, you wouldn’t be sitting here.
Слайд 9

Использование Will после If Обычно после if не используется will, would,

Использование Will после If

Обычно после if не используется will, would, should.

Однако, мы можем это сделать в следующих ситуациях:
Слайд 10

Еще пара нюансов Мы можем опустить if: Для предложений с should,

Еще пара нюансов

Мы можем опустить if:
Для предложений с should, were, had:

I were you, I would speak to her -> Were I you, I would speak to her.
If he had known, he would have told us -> Had he known, he would have told us.
Мы используем were вместо was для всех лиц во втором conditional:
If I were you…
If he were a better player