Course: Theory and Practice of Translation

Слайд 2

1. Basic Terms and Definitions 2. Classification of Translation Units 3. List of Literature Used

Basic Terms and Definitions
Classification of Translation Units
List of

Literature Used
Слайд 3

phonemes (graphemes) morphemes words word-combinations text sentences intonation

phonemes (graphemes)

Слайд 4

Examples “O” Two very old men are passing by a very



Two very old men are passing by a very old house,

in which before the revolution there had been a brothel. One of the elderly sighs heavily (specific intonation). Another old man interrupts him impatiently, “Oh, the hell, stop reminding me, as if I do not remember!!!”

Are you joking?

Слайд 5

Examples Ruth Basil Рут Василь Computer Sciences: трафік, хост, інтерфейс, сервер,


Рут Василь

Computer Sciences: трафік, хост, інтерфейс, сервер, сканер, картридж, опція, бут,

кеш, в’юер, провайдер, мультимедія, etc.
Слайд 6

The type of translation, where the correlation between units of SL

The type of translation, where the correlation between units of SL

and TL is established on the level of phonemes, is called transcription


In case, when the correlation is established on the level of graphemes, i.e. of the graphic form or spelling of an outgoing word, and not of its pronunciation, then we speak about transliteration


Слайд 7

Examples ball — м’яч backbencher — задньоскамієчник back-bench-er задньо-скамієч-ник.


ball — м’яч

backbencher — задньоскамієчник



Слайд 8

This type of translation is still more seldom, than the translation

This type of translation is still more seldom, than the translation

on the level of phonemes: morphological structure of semantically equivalent words in different languages usually does not coincide, especially in the domain of grammatical (word-changing and word-forming) morphemes, their set being different in different languages.
Слайд 9

Слайд 10

On cloud nine very happy When he got his promotion, he

On cloud nine

very happy

When he got his promotion, he was on

cloud nine.

Begin to see the daylight

To begin to see the end of a long task

Only in the last week have I begun to see daylight.

At loose ends

unsettled, unemployed

Jane has been at loose ends ever since she lost her job.


Слайд 11

Unit of Translation (or Translation Unit) A term used to refer

Unit of Translation
(or Translation Unit)
A term used to refer

to the linguistic level at which ST is recodified in TL.

“the smallest unit of SL which has an equivalent in TL”
…unit of translation can itself “have a complex structure”, although “its parts taken individually are ‘untranslatable’
, in that no equivalents can be established for them in TT”

Barkhudarov (1969) argues that the entire text can sometimes serve as the unit of translation, although in practice limits this to the case of poetry;
In a similar way Koller (1979/1992) restricts this possibility to poetry and advertising.

Слайд 12

Gudmanyan A.G., Sydoruk G.I. / A.G. Gudmanyan, G.I. Sydoruk. — Basics

Gudmanyan A.G., Sydoruk G.I. / A.G. Gudmanyan, G.I. Sydoruk. — Basics

of Translation Theory. Part I: Lecture Synopsis. — K.: NAU, 2005. — 96 p.
Munday J. Introducing Translation Studies / J. Munday. — New York : Routledge, 2001. — 222 p.
Routledge encyclopedia of translation studies / [ed. by M . Baker]. — London and New York : Routledge, 2001. — 655 p.