ЕГЭ. Устная часть. 2 и 3 задание, 5 вопросов

Слайд 2

Task 2. You are considering visiting the show and now you

Task 2. You are considering visiting the show and
now you

are calling to find out more information.
In 1.5 minutes you are to ask direct questions
to find out the following:

date of the show
theatre location
if advance reservation available
appropriate age for the show
group discounts

Слайд 3

Some advice Вопросы должны быть: ОБЩИМИ: СПЕЦИАЛЬНЫМИ: Is breakfast included into

Some advice

Вопросы должны быть:



Is breakfast included into the price?

Is there the

entrance fee?

How much does the tour cost?

What facilities are available at the hotel?

Интонация восходящая

Интонация нисходящая

Слайд 4

What about… Could you tell me about… НЕЛЬЗЯ!!

What about…

Could you tell me about…


Слайд 5

Task 2. You are considering visiting the show and now you

Task 2. You are considering visiting the show and
now you

are calling to find out more information.
In 1.5 minutes you are to ask direct questions
to find out the following:

date of the show
theatre location
if advance reservation available
appropriate age for the show
group discounts

Слайд 6

date of the show 2) theatre location 3) if advance reservation

date of the show

2) theatre location

3) if advance reservation available

4) appropriate

age for the show

5) group discounts

When will the show take place?

Where is the theatre located?

Is advance reservation available?

What is the appropriate age for the show?

Are there any group discounts?

Слайд 7

Слайд 8

Some advice Фразы, которые удобно использовать In the centre/background/foreground of the

Some advice

Фразы, которые удобно использовать

In the centre/background/foreground of the picture..
In the

At the top/bottom of the picture..
On the right/on the left..
We can see… As you can see…
In my opinion.. As for me..
I want to say..
I decided to show you...
In conclusion,..
Слайд 9

when you took the photo what / who in the photo

when you took the photo
what / who in the

what is happening
why you took the photo
why you decided to show the picture to your friend
Слайд 10

I’ve chosen photo number 1. While travelling I always take lots

I’ve chosen photo number 1. While travelling I always take
lots of

photos and today I’m going to tell you about one
of them. I took this photo last summer when I was on
holiday in New York. It was the early morning.
In the picture you can see a man. It’s my uncle. Also, there
are 4 pigeons flying in the sky and a lot of skyscrapers with
the Empire State Building in the background of the picture.
I asked my uncle to show me his birds. As you can see, the
pigeons are flying next to him. They are playing with each
other in the sky. Their host is smiling watching it.