English 7.3B Entertainment and Media. Short term plan 1

Слайд 2

Lesson objectives: Today you will: Learn types of TV programs; Listen

Lesson objectives:

Today you will:
Learn types of TV programs;
Listen to the talk

about Reality TV shows;
Do comprehension tasks on listening;
Write an advert for a reality TV show;
Слайд 3

TV programs genres:

TV programs genres:

Слайд 4

Discuss with a partner: What is the most popular type of

Discuss with a partner:

What is the most popular type of TV

What do you watch often\sometimes\rarely? Why?
What is your\your family favourite genre?
Are reality TV shows popular in your country?
Why do people like watching such shows?
Слайд 5

Answers: Task 1. 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F


Task 1.
1. T
2. T
3. F
4. F
Task 2.
1. reality

2. stupid or boring
3. celebrities
4. disgusting
5. sympathy
6. freak shows
Слайд 6

Match new words:

Match new words:

Слайд 7

Answers: Disgusting Adj., not pleasant, like bad food or bad smell


Adj., not pleasant, like bad food or bad smell

a feeling of being sorry for people, understanding and supporting them
N., people that are somehow famous i.e. actors, singers, fashion icons etc.
Freak show
An exhibition where strange things are shown. In the past a form of entertainment very popular among people since it presented strangely-looking, somehow deformed people
N., advertising of making something well-known to the big groups of people
N., when people know what is going on, current news and events
Слайд 8

Reflection: W – what they watch; O – how often; W –why they like it;


W – what they watch;
O – how often;
W –why they like

Слайд 9

Home task: Create a Reality TV advert!

Home task: Create a Reality TV advert!

Слайд 10

Success criteria: Informative use: the rules of participation, activities during the

Success criteria:

Informative use: the rules of participation, activities during the show;

information and details for participants;
Attractive design and pictures;
Grammar and spelling accuracy (no more than 3-4 mistakes);