English. Elementary level. Lesson 2


Слайд 2

Задайте вопросы по формуле: ВС + be + П? Как вас

Задайте вопросы по формуле:
ВС + be + П?
Как вас зовут?

вы поживаете?
Откуда вы?
Откуда она? (Из Лондона)
Где находится Монреаль?
Как будет по-английски школа?
Слайд 3

Слайд 4

Complete the dialogue:

Complete the dialogue:

Слайд 5

Слайд 6

Translate into English: Она учитель, и он тоже. Они женаты. Правда?

Translate into English:
Она учитель, и он тоже.
Они женаты. Правда?
Ее школа находится

в центре города, недалеко от кинотеатра.
Они в отпуске сейчас.
Он работает врачом в больнице.
Его зовут Мигель, он родом из Бразилии.
- Откуда она родом? - Она из Египта, из Каира.
Слайд 7



Слайд 8

Free time activities: read and talk about your free time shopping

Free time activities: read and talk about your free time

shopping doing

reading watching TV
dancing going to the cinema
knitting meeting new people
embroidering listening to music
gardening going on excursions
walking visiting exhibitions, museums
studying going to the theatre
swimming going out for dinner
Слайд 9

Read and translate into Russian. Give your examples: I am good

Read and translate into Russian. Give your examples:

I am good (bad)

boring, good fun, interesting, great
They are good at swimming.
He is bad at doing sport.
Reading is boring.
Dancing is good fun.
Слайд 10

Read and translate into Russian. Give your examples: Visiting museums is

Read and translate into Russian. Give your examples:
Visiting museums is not

Going out for dinner is expensive.
Meeting new people is great.
Слайд 11

Work in pairs. Translate the dialogues: 1. Я думаю, что садоводство

Work in pairs. Translate the dialogues:

Я думаю, что садоводство – это

скучное занятие. А что вы думаете?
У меня есть дом за городом и небольшой участок (plot), где я очень люблю заниматься садоводством.
Слайд 12

Work in pairs. Translate the dialogues: 2. Мой сын не любит

Work in pairs. Translate the dialogues:

Мой сын не любит заниматься спортом.

А как насчет вашего сына?
Мой мальчик любит бег.
Слайд 13

Work in pairs. Translate the dialogues: 3. Тебе нравится гулять в

Work in pairs. Translate the dialogues:

Тебе нравится гулять в парке?
Не очень.

А тебе?
А я люблю гулять в парке и в лесу.
Слайд 14

Work in pairs. Translate the dialogues: 4. Я думаю, ходить в

Work in pairs. Translate the dialogues:

Я думаю, ходить в кино –

это увлекательно. А как вы?
Я не хожу часто в кино, я люблю ходить в театр.
Слайд 15

Make up full sentences from the notes: 1. I / like

Make up full sentences from the notes:

1. I / like /

meet /new people.
2. my daughter / want / get / a new phone.
3. my sister / love / play / tennis.
4. I/not / like/shop.
5. you / like / dance?
6. you /want / go out / this weekend?
Слайд 16

Какая разница между английскими глаголами like и want? 1. I like

Какая разница между английскими глаголами like и want?
1. I like

2. I want to travel to New Zealand.
Слайд 17

Слайд 18

Make up two different sentences about your free time for each

Make up two different sentences about your free time for each


1. I love …
2. I don't really like …
3. Tomorrow, I want …

Слайд 19

Listening. Tracks 18, 19 (SB)

Listening. Tracks 18, 19 (SB)

Слайд 20

Have a shower, go out for dinner, get home from work,

Have a shower, go out for dinner, get home from work,

go to the cinema, have coffee, go to a concert, watch the news, get up, sleep, stay with the grandchildren, have breakfast, go to bed, have lunch, walk in the park, go shopping.
What do you do in the morning?
Слайд 21

Have a shower, go out for dinner, get home from work,

Have a shower, go out for dinner, get home from work,

go to the cinema, have coffee, go to a concert, watch the news, get up, sleep, stay with the grandchildren, have breakfast, go to bed, have lunch, walk in the park, go shopping.
What do you do in the afternoon?
Слайд 22

Have a shower, go out for dinner, get home from work,

Have a shower, go out for dinner, get home from work,

go to the cinema, have coffee, go to a concert, watch the news, get up, sleep, stay with the grandchildren, have breakfast, go to bed, have lunch, walk in the park, go shopping, play board games, visit friends / relatives.
What do you do in the evening?
Слайд 23

Have a shower, go out for dinner, get home from work,

Have a shower, go out for dinner, get home from work,

go to the cinema, have coffee, go to a concert, watch the news, get up, sleep, stay with the grandchildren, have breakfast, go to bed, have lunch, walk in the park, go shopping, play board games, visit friends / relatives.
What do you normally do on Sundays?
Слайд 24

Put the adverbs in order: hardly ever, usually, always, often, occasionally, sometimes, seldom, never

Put the adverbs in order:
hardly ever, usually, always, often, occasionally, sometimes,

seldom, never
Слайд 25

Use adverbs: always, often, usually, sometimes, occasionally, seldom, hardly ever, never

Use adverbs:

always, often, usually, sometimes, occasionally, seldom, hardly ever, never
go out

for dinner
stay with my grandchildren
have coffee
watch the news
go to museums
Слайд 26

Use adverbs: always, often, usually, sometimes, occasionally, seldom, hardly ever, never

Use adverbs:

always, often, usually, sometimes, occasionally, seldom, hardly ever, never
go out

go to work
have a shower
have dinner
drink beer
Слайд 27



Слайд 28

Outcomes. Elementary. SB, p.25 Complete the sentences with the prepositions in

Outcomes. Elementary. SB, p.25
Complete the sentences with the prepositions in bold

in the article:
1. I sometimes have a short sleep … the afternoon,
2. l go ... the gym near my house to keep fit.
3. I often go... a walk with my wife after dinner.
4. I'm always very busy … Mondays.
5. We don't usually do very much … the weekend - just relax.
6. I listen … English radio ... an hour or two every night.
7. Our working day finishes … four o’clock.
8. ... the week, I stay at home in the evening.
Слайд 29

Outcomes. Elementary. SB, p.25 Ask and answer the questions: What do

Outcomes. Elementary. SB, p.25
Ask and answer the questions:
What do you normally

do on Friday nights?
What do you normally do on Saturdays?
What do you normally do on Sundays?
Do you go out in the evening during the week? When? What do you do?
Слайд 30

Outcomes. Elementary. WB, p. 19 You usually arrange to meet at

Outcomes. Elementary. WB, p. 19
You usually arrange to meet at a

place at a time:
e.g. Let’s meet at the station at 8 o’clock.
Do the task on the next slide. Listen and check. Track 2.1 mp 3

Language note:

Слайд 31