ExPhil Understanding, examining and constructing arguments

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Arguments What is the definition of an argument? How can one


What is the definition of an argument?
How can one recognise an

argument in a piece of text?
Conclusion indicators:
“so; therefore; thus; hence; must; cannot…”
Reason indicators:
“because; since; as…”

An argument is: a reason, or series of reasons in support of a conclusion (Thomson 1999)

Argument indicators:

Слайд 5

Arguments? Most manufactured baby milks have been found to contain chemicals

Most manufactured baby milks have been found to contain chemicals which

can cause infertility. So mothers of new-born babies should be advised to breast-feed their babies.
Most mothers want the best for their babies. Some people think that it is better to feed babies on breast milk rather than on manufactured baby milks. Not all mothers find it convenient to breast feed.
People who accept that it is sometimes right to go to war cannot really believe that killing is always wrong. War inevitably involves killing.