For-and-against assays

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For-and-against essays are a type of discursive writing in which you

For-and-against essays are a type of discursive writing in which you

discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a specific topic Эссе «за и против» (Argumentative Essay or For and Against Essay) - это особый вид эссе, в котором представлена не только информация по данному вопросу, но и аргументация «за» и аргументация «против» (идеи противоположной точки зрения). Сложность написания данного вида эссе заключается в том, чтобы убедить противоположную сторону в объективности ваших взглядов или точки зрения на ту или иную проблему. Равное внимание следует уделять как положительным, так и отрицательным аргументам, рассматривая их объективно и по – возможности детально.
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For-and-against essays should consist of:

For-and-against essays should consist of:

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1. An introduction In which you present the topic, making a

1. An introduction

In which you present the topic, making a general

remark about it without giving your opinion
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2. A main body In which you present the points for

2. A main body

In which you present the points for and

the points against, in separate paragraphs, supporting you arguments with examples
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3. A conclusion Which summarizes the pros and cons and gives

3. A conclusion

Which summarizes the pros and cons and gives a

balanced consideration of the topic
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For-and-against essays are normally written in a formal style, therefore, you

For-and-against essays are normally written in a formal style, therefore, you

should avoid using personal language, contractions and colloquial expressions or idioms. Есть много высказываний, которые не засчитываются за аргументы при проверке сочинения. К ним относятся: Оценочные высказывания типа - because it is nice/beautiful/comfortable......; Выражения предпочтений типа - because I like it/I hate it...... Такие высказывания можно сделать аргументами, например: ...because it is beautiful →...because it is a real masterpiece of architecture and we feel excited… ...because it is expensive →..because many people can't afford it. ...because it is comfortable →...because people can relax in it. ...because I like it →...because it helps me / people relax an have a good time.