Grammatical Challenges. English-Ukrainian Translation


Слайд 2

KEY WORDS Analytic Aspect Case Gender Mood Number Synthetic Tense Voice



Слайд 3

Distribute the key words according to the following groups: Types of languages Verb Categories Noun Categories

Distribute the key words according to the following groups:

Types of languages

Noun Categories
Слайд 4

Groups English verb has the following grammatical categories: person, number, tense,


English verb has the following grammatical categories: person, number, tense, aspect,

voice and mood
English noun has the following grammatical categories: number, case
Слайд 5

Synthetic vs Analytic Languages

Synthetic vs Analytic Languages

Слайд 6



Слайд 7



Слайд 8

word order in analytic and synthetic languages додому йдемо We go

word order in analytic and synthetic languages

додому йдемо
We go home

Subject, Predicate, Object
Слайд 9



Слайд 10

Morphology the study of words, how they are formed, and their


the study of words, how they are formed, and their relationship

to other words in the same language
analyzes the structure of words and parts of words, such as stems, root words, prefixes, and suffixes
Considers parts of speech, intonation and stress, and the ways context can change a word's pronunciation and meaning
Слайд 11

Syntax the set of rules, principles, and processes that govern the


the set of rules, principles, and processes that govern the structure

of sentences (sentence structure) in a given language, usually including word order
Слайд 12

Categories grammatical choices are obligatory while lexical choices are optional e.g.


grammatical choices are obligatory while lexical choices are optional
e.g. ‘He

hired a worker’ - no indication of the gender of a person, such information is obligatory in Ukrainian or Russian:
Найняв працівника/працівницю
Нанял рабочего / работницу
Слайд 13

Category of Number Phenomenon - phenomena Criterion - criteria Datum - data

Category of Number

Phenomenon - phenomena
Criterion - criteria
Datum - data

Слайд 14

Category of Number Analysis - analyses Diagnosis - diagnoses Oasis -

Category of Number

Analysis - analyses
Diagnosis - diagnoses
Oasis - oases
Thesis - theses
Crisis -

Слайд 15

Category of Number The news is at 6.30 p.m. Athletics is

Category of Number

The news is at 6.30 p.m.
Athletics is good for

young people.
Linguistics is the study of language.
Darts is a popular game in England.
Billiards is played all over the world.
Слайд 16

Category of Number I caught three fish I read a book

Category of Number

I caught three fish
I read a book about freshwater

fishes of New Zealand
Слайд 17

Category of Number I can give you a piece of advice

Category of Number

I can give you a piece of advice (some

There was some money on the table
The police lack basic equipment and personnel
Fifteen-year-old kids
Слайд 18

Special Plural Nouns You can use singular or plural with nouns

Special Plural Nouns

You can use singular or plural with nouns like

family, class, police, team, army, band, choir, class, club, crew, company, firm, gang, government, orchestra, party, staff, etc. In British English the plural is used more often than in American English.
If the group acts in unison (as a group), use a singular verb:
My family lives in Miami. All the members living under one roof.
The team was successful. You see the team as a group.
If the group acts individually, use a plural verb:
My family live in towns all over Florida. Each individual is living a separate life in a different town.
The team were successful. You see the single members of the team.
Слайд 19

Category of Gender ‘How’s your new car?’ ‘Terrific. She’s running beautifully.’

Category of Gender

‘How’s your new car?’ ‘Terrific. She’s running beautifully.’
The ship’s

struck a rock. She’s sinking.
France has decided to increase her/its trade with Romania.
I came into the room. – Я зайшов / зайшла в кімнату.
It is wonderful. – Він / Вона / Воно прекрасний / прекрасна / прекрасне.
Слайд 20

Category of Gender One night there flew over the city a

Category of Gender

One night there flew over the city a little

Swallow. His friends had gone away to Egypt six weeks before, but he had stayed behind, for he was in love with the most beautiful Reed. He had met her early in the spring
“The Happy Prince” by Oscar Wilde
Слайд 21

Translation Одного вечора у місто залетіло Ластів’я-Серпокрилець. Його друзів же шість


Одного вечора у місто залетіло Ластів’я-Серпокрилець. Його друзів же шість тижнів

тому відлетіли у теплі краї, до Єгипту, а він залишився, бо був закоханий у найпрекраснішу Очеретинку. Він побачив її ще навесні.
Якось уночі над містом пролітала Ластівка. Її подруги ось уже шість тижнів як подалися до Єгипту, а вона відстала, бо закохалася в чудовий Очерет. Уперше вона зустрілася з Очеретом навесні.
Слайд 22

Category of Case English nouns have only two cases – the

Category of Case

English nouns have only two cases – the common

case (the uninflected form) and the possessive case (the 's inflected form).
Ukr. nouns we may have 6 or 7 cases, marked singular or plural oppositions in the nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, locative and vocative case.
Слайд 23

Category of Case E.g. Mary and Ann's room the man over there's dog

Category of Case

E.g. Mary and Ann's room
the man over there's dog

Слайд 24

Possessive Case can mean: 1) належність (Peter’s bicycle); 2) особисті або

Possessive Case can mean:

1) належність (Peter’s bicycle);
2) особисті або суспільні стосунки (Peter’s wife);
3) авторство

(Peter’s poem);
4) походження або джерело (the sun’s rays);
5) вид або тип (ladies’ hats);
6) відношення цілого до його частини (Peter’s hand);
7) відносини суб’єкта дії (Peter’s arrival);
8) відносини об’єкта дії (Peter’s being sent);
9) характеристика (her mother’s care);
10) одиниця виміру (a night’s reflection; a mile’s distance).
Слайд 25

Category of Person I We You Ти Ви He She They It

Category of Person

I We
You Ти Ви
She They

Слайд 26

Category of Person John has met his teacher. (1) Джон зустрів

Category of Person

John has met his teacher.
(1) Джон зустрів свого вчителя.
Джон зустрів

його вчителя.
He washed his face.
He broke his leg.
Слайд 27

Challenging aspects Tense aspect forms Sequence of tenses Passive Voice Modal

Challenging aspects

Tense aspect forms
Sequence of tenses
Passive Voice
Modal verbs
Conditional sentences
Non-finite constructions
The structure

of sentences and texts
Слайд 28

Tense aspect forms Though the lethal effects of the latest Middle

Tense aspect forms

Though the lethal effects of the latest Middle East

war have so far been confined to Lebanon and northern parts of Israel, there are few who imagine it is really a self-contained conflict.
Хоча жахливі наслідки останньої війни на Близькому Сході поки-що відчутні тільки в Лівані та північній частині Ізраїлю, однак мало хто вважає, що цей конфлікт має обмежений характер.
Слайд 29

Tense aspect forms It is implementation of the dozens of UN

Tense aspect forms

It is implementation of the dozens of UN resolutions

that Israel has flouted for more than 50 years with protection from the US – and now from Britain – that will stop this conflict.
Сáме виконання чисельних резолюцій Організації Об’єднаних Націй, якими Ізраїль за підтримки США (а зараз і Великобританії) ігнорує протягом більш ніж 50 років, зупинить цей конфлікт.
Слайд 30

Sequence of tenses The Israeli army claimed it had killed 10

Sequence of tenses

The Israeli army claimed it had killed 10 Hizbullah

guerrillas and captured five in the eastern city of Baalbek, 80 miles north of the border.
За повідомленнями ізраїльських військових, на сході країни в місті Баальбек, у 80 кілометрах від кордону, було вбито десять бойовиків руху Хезбола і захоплено в полон ще п’ять.
Слайд 31

Sequence of tenses ‘I’m not knocking the people of Indiana,’ Lake

Sequence of tenses

‘I’m not knocking the people of Indiana,’ Lake said

at one point. ‘In fact, they had the wisdom to return Mr. Tarry to private life after only one term. They knew he was doing a terrible job. That’s why only thirty-eight percent of them voted for him when he asked for four more years.’
Вони знають, що він працює препогано.
Слайд 32

Passive Voice He rose to speak and was warmly greeted by

Passive Voice

He rose to speak and was warmly greeted by the

Він піднявся, щоб виступити, і присутні тепло привітали його.
He was wined and dined.
Його тепло приймали.
Слайд 33

Passive Voice Many are called and but few are chosen. Багато

Passive Voice

Many are called and but few are chosen.
Багато людей хочуть

добитися чогось, але тільки окремим це вдається. [бібл. Багато бо покликаних, але вибраних мало (Євангеліє від Матея 22:14)]
More sinned against than sinning.
Радше жертва, аніж грішник. [У. Шекспір „Король Лір” ІІІ, 2: „Я не так / перед другими грешен, как другие – / Передо мной” – Переклад Б. Пастернака]
Слайд 34

Modal verbs habitual volitional actions: After this accidents he will lock

Modal verbs

habitual volitional actions:
After this accidents he will lock himself

and not show off. – Після того нещастя він став замикатись в собі і не показуватись.
In the afternoon he would go out alone and walk for hours. – Після полудня він, бувало, йшов із дому і годинами не вертався з прогулянки.
Слайд 35

Modal verbs She could paint landscapes. Can he have said it?

Modal verbs

She could paint landscapes.
Can he have said it?
He must know

all about it as he has read a lot on the subject.
Він зміг дістатися вершини гори.
Напевно, вони не зрозуміли один одного.
Слайд 36

Conditional sentences If they had left 5 minutes earlier they could

Conditional sentences

If they had left 5 minutes earlier they could have

caught this train.
If my brother could swim well he would take part in this competition.
Якби вони пішли п’ятьма хвилинами раніше, вони б встигли на цей поїзд.
Якби мій брат вмів добре плавати, він взяв би участь у цьому змаганні.
Слайд 37

Non-finite constructions Complex Object I saw him cross the street. Я

Non-finite constructions Complex Object

I saw him cross the street.
Я бачив, що він

переходив вулицю.
I saw him crossing the street.
Я бачив, як він переходив вулицю.
I shall have him do that.
Я заставлю / попрошу його зробити це. Я передам / організую, щоб він зробив це.
Слайд 38

Complex Subject He was seen to cross the street. Бачили, що

Complex Subject

He was seen to cross the street.
Бачили, що він переходив

He was seen crossing the street
Бачили, як він переходив вулицю.
Слайд 39

For-to infinitive construction It is important for you to go there

For-to infinitive construction

It is important for you to go there at

Тобі негайно треба йти туди.
The best thing for you is to go there by plane.
Тобі найкраще летіти туди літаком.
There’s nobody here for him to play with.
Там нема нікого, з ким він міг би гратися.