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My name is Brenda. I live in a big city, New

My name is Brenda. I live in a big city, New

York, with my mum and Dad.
I’m on holiday now.
I want to go to mountains. There are a lot of flowers, green trees and big animals. I love walking in the mountains. I love fishing with my Dad. My Dad loves camping. My mum likes sitting in the sun and reading.

Hello! My name is Jason and I live in the country with my parents and my little sister.
It’s holidays soon.
I want to go to the sea. I love playing at the beach. I love the clean yellow sand , big sun and blue sea. My mum loves sitting in the sun. I love sitting in the sun, too. My little sister likes picking up shells from the beach and playing in the sand.

True / false:
1. Brenda lives in the mountains.
2. Jason lives in the country.
3. Brenda’s mum loves swimming.
4. Brenda’s father likes fishing.
5. Jason’s mum likes sitting in the sun.
6. Jason’s father likes picking up shells from the beach.
7. Jason’s sister likes swimming in the ocean.
8. Brenda likes walking in the sand.
9. Jason loves picking up sells from the beach.