I can play the …. Урок английского языка в 3 классе Учебник « Millie- 3» Программа Азаровой С.И.

Слайд 2

Read the words Swim Skip Write Catch a ball Dance Sing

Read the words

Catch a ball

Fly a

Ride a bike
Bounce a ball
Слайд 3

Слайд 4

piano guitar violin drum flute

piano guitar




Слайд 5

Let’s sing a song I am the Music Man , I

Let’s sing a song

I am the Music Man ,
I come

from down your way
And I can play.
What can you play?
I can play the piano.
I am the Music Man ,
I come from down your way
And I can play.
What can you play?
I can play the big bass drum.
I am the Music Man ,
I come from down your way
And I can play.
What can you play?
I can play the violin

I am the Music Man ,
I come from down your way
And I can play.
What can you play?
I can play the guitar.
I am the Music Man ,
I come from down your way
And I can play.
What can you play?
I can play the flute.

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