Ivan Petrovich Pavlov

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Ivan Pavlov - one of the most respected scientists of Russia,

Ivan Pavlov - one of the most respected scientists of Russia,

laureate of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1904.
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Ivan Petrovich was born in the of Ryazan on 26th September,

Ivan Petrovich was born in the of Ryazan on 26th September,

1849 into the family of a clergyman.

Father - Peter Dmitrievich Pavlov
Mother - Varvara Ivanovna.

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He entered the Natural Sciences Department of Physics and Mathematics Faculty

He entered the Natural Sciences Department of Physics and Mathematics Faculty

of St. Petersburg University in 1870. As a follower of Sechenov, many engaged in the nervous regulation
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Pavlov more than 10 years dedicated to the obtaining of the

Pavlov more than 10 years dedicated to the obtaining of the

opening of the Gastrointestinal tract. Make it was difficult, as is shed from the gut juice digesting the intestines and abdominal wall.
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1904, the Nobel Prize for the study of the main functions

1904, the Nobel Prize for the study of the main functions

of the digestive glands was presented Pavlov - he became the first Russian Nobel laureate.
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Literature http://obrazovaka.ru/ivan-pavlov.html https://videouroki.net/razrabotki/prezentatsiya-na-angliyskom-yazyke-pavlov-ivan-petrovich.html

