Киселева Екатерина Сергеевна Учитель английского языка МБОУ «Гимназия № 6 им.С.Ф.Вензелева», г.Междуреченск

Слайд 2

A language that came from nowhere to conquer the world…

A language that came from nowhere to conquer the world…

Слайд 3

Read, explain and illustrate proverbs in your own opinion Rain at

Read, explain and illustrate proverbs in your own opinion
Rain at seven,

fine at eleven
Rome wasn’t built a day.
Politeness costs nothing, but yields much.
Слайд 4

Don’t forget to use it in your speech: First of all/

Don’t forget to use it in your speech:

First of all/ above

all …
I think that…
I am sure that…
I suppose…
I know for sure…
Personally I think that…
As for me I think that…
It can hardly be so…
Exactly so…
I’m sorry, I can’t…
As a rule…
Слайд 5

Match the words and their definitions:

Match the words and their definitions:

Слайд 6

Listen to the tape, answer the questions and continue the sentences

Listen to the tape, answer the questions and continue the sentences


1 How many people speak English
375 mil
495 mil
377 mil
2 English today is the third largest language by number of native speaker, after…
3 A basic knowledge of English almost everywhere
A wish
A requirement
An optional condition
4 Modern English is the main international language in..
5 Some people think English should not be the world language because..

Слайд 7

Мир урок киллер мяч, прайс лист спортсмен врач секъюрити игрок финиш

Мир урок киллер мяч,
прайс лист спортсмен врач
секъюрити игрок финиш
рейтинг лузер реалити-

лифт погода книга передача
Слайд 8

Thanks for your attention

Thanks for your attention