Lermontov`s Monument in Pyatigorsk

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"Every step in here is live letters" by right can be

"Every step in here is live letters" by right can be

written on the first page of the guide to the resort Pyatigorsk. Famous scientists and military leaders, great poets and artists walking on the streets of a provincial town, among them the great Russian poet Michael Lermontov. In Pyatigorsk, his name is immortalized in the names of streets and squares, there is a monument of work of Alexander Opekushin.
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Michael Lermontov in his short life traveled almost all over Russia.

Michael Lermontov in his short life traveled almost all over Russia.

The poet was born in Moscow, spent his childhood in the family estate in Tarkhany. He studied at the University of Moscow, then in St. Petersburg. Becoming a military, Lermontov traveled around the country, often visited the Caucasus. But one city has played in the fate of the poet's exceptional role. This Is Pyatigorsk.
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In 1837 Lermontov as punishment for the poem "On the death

In 1837 Lermontov as punishment for the poem "On the death

of the poet", was sent to the Caucasus and again came in Pyatigorsk. Soon at the reception, the poet had a fight with their old friend, Nikolai Martynov, who challenged him to a duel. It took place on 15 (27) July 1841 at the foot of Mashuk mountain during a violent thunderstorm. Lermontov was killed by Martynov`s first shot.
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The idea to erect a monument to the poet in Pyatigorsk

The idea to erect a monument to the poet in Pyatigorsk

was founded in 1870. It belonged to leutenant Martianov. In July 1871 the Emperor Alexander II gave permission for the construction of the monument to M. Lermontov in Pyatigorsk. For this purpose were sent to the money Lermontov with readings, concerts, lotteries.
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In 1881 was declared a competition for the best project of

In 1881 was declared a competition for the best project of

the monument. The first and second rounds, which received a total of more than 120 proposals, have failed. The third round was presented to only 15 projects. Opekushin won, he was the author of the monument to Pushkin in Moscow.
Opening of the monument took place on August 16, 1889.
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Opekushin depicted Lermontov in the moment of poetic inspiration. He sits

Opekushin depicted Lermontov in the moment of poetic inspiration. He sits

on the stone, the coat slipped from his shoulder, an open book falling from his hands. Lermontov look towards the horizon, to the Caucasus mountains and the snow-white Elbrus.
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A bronze statue of the poet with a height of 2.35

A bronze statue of the poet with a height of 2.35

meters was cast in St. Petersburg at the factory of Moran. The pedestal is built of light granite, specially brought from the Crimea. After the monument was built, its height

amounted to 5,65 m. On the upper face of the pedestal is the inscription "Michael Lermontov", and below bronze lyre with three strings and a wreath with a feather, opening date: "16 August 1889".

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The monument erected in Pyatigorsk became the first monument to Michael

The monument erected in Pyatigorsk became the first monument to Michael

Lermontov in Russia. Today it is one of the main attractions of the city. At the foot of the monument every year hosts festivals dedicated to Lermontov. Lovers of poetry from around the world come here to pay homage to the great poet.
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References: http://www.culture.ru https://ru.wikipedia.org http://old.behtau.net
