Let’s talk about presents

Слайд 2

Do you enjoy buying presents? Why?

Do you enjoy buying presents? Why?

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What do you like more: to give or to get presents? Why?

What do you like more: to give or to get presents?

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What is an ideal present for you? Why?

What is an ideal present for you? Why?

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What do you bear in mind while choosing presents for your family or friends?

What do you bear in mind while choosing presents for your

family or friends?
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What was the last present you got? Who gave it to

What was the last present you got? Who gave it to

you? When? Did you enjoy it? Why?
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What was the worst present you got? What was it? Who from? What was the occasion?

What was the worst present you got? What was it? Who

from? What was the occasion?
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How do you react to the present you don’t like? What

How do you react to the present you don’t like? What

do you do with such presents?
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What kind of presents (money, underwear, books, handmade things etc.) do you never give? Why?

What kind of presents (money, underwear, books, handmade things etc.) do

you never give? Why?
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Where do you usually go for presents? Why?

Where do you usually go for presents? Why?