Merry Christmas In America

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The game "Give orange" All the guys lined up in single

The game "Give orange"
All the guys lined up in single file.

The essence of the game is to pass along the chain of orange under the condition that it can not touch the hands (ie you can transfer shoulder or chin). If an orange falls to the floor, the game begins again.

The game is a "gift"
Each player comes up with a "gift", which he would do to your neighbor. Then, using gestures and facial expressions, each of the players, in turn, begins to show a "gift." Once the neighbor guessing he might propose a "gift" to the next player. The game is forbidden to pronounce the words.

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But on December 25 which date the Nativity was established by

But on December 25 which date the Nativity was established by

the Roman Church in the IV century and since then, the holiday is celebrated on this day. Some believe that this date was chosen because on this day since the day of pagan times was considered the "birth of the Invincible Sun". Later, it was interpreted that as the month and day of Christ's death is known precisely from the Gospel, and he was supposed to be among the people the total number of years that Christ was to be conceived on the same day when crucified. If the count of 25 March 9 months (March 25, it accounted for Passover), then turned it on December 25.
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Christmas cake with mandarin oranges Christmas food Goose with apples Christmas punch

Christmas cake with mandarin oranges

Christmas food

Goose with apples

Christmas punch

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Who is Santa Claus? The origin of the legend of Santa,

Who is Santa Claus? The origin of the legend of Santa,

but now more in detail about everything:
Santa Klaus - the legendary geroy Christmas dobry old man prinosyaschy gifts to children at Rozhdestvo and New Year. As pravilo, his pudgy grandfather portrayed veselym beloy with a beard, dressed in a white okaymlenny red kaftan. It flies than air on a sleigh full igryshek zapryazhennyh and eight reindeer. Govoryat that on Christmas Eve Santa (and St. Nikola, or Saint Nick) pronikaet homes through the pipe and kladet presents under the Christmas tree Rozhdestvenskuyu and stockings of all children throughout the year kotorye sebya were good. Although ppivychny for us the image of Santa Klausa is severoamerikanskim invention of the XIX century, it is still zalozheny ancient European korni, and it has a great vliyanie to celebrate Rozhdestva worldwide.