- 2. In the year of 2500, when humans will easily travel from Earth to other planets of
- 3. Searching through hundreds of other galaxies, Maaks will feel like he is losing hope and think
- 4. He will discover a planet of tiny, colorful, welcoming people whose number will be very small
- 5. About Miioka
- 6. Maaks will reverse the whole English alphabet and add some other details to the letters. It
- 8. As the sounds of letters are based on vocals, Maaks will tend to make the words
- 9. How are the words created? Basically, it’s simple. He will take the first 4-5 letters of
- 10. Pronouns Pronouns are mostly exceptions. I – ( ii) We – (duvei) You – ( iaiuou)
- 12. The planet will have no buildings or cars, just pure nature. That is why Maaks will
- 14. Maaks will teach the Miiokas how to count because of the love they share with the
- 15. Verbs: To go – giuou The present form stays as the infinitive. To come – kaiuoumiei
- 16. Possessive pronouns: Mine – miiiniei Yours – iaiuouuara His – haiis Hers – haeiras Ours –
- 17. The most common words/phrases used among the Miiokas: Hello – haeilalauou How are you? – Hauouduv
- 18. It is not difficult to translate from English into Miioka. The basic rule is to use
- 19. Translation from English into Miioka: NASA's Kepler Space Telescope, astronomers have discovered the first Earth-size planet
- 20. Translation of the poem “Stars Are Beautiful”, that will soon become Miiokas’ planet anthem, which they
- 21. Translation: Stiaairaz airaei baeiaiuatia Stiaairaz airaei baeiaiuatia Tiaha raeipira ailala laiivieis lauoustia Stiaairaz airaei iinikairaeid Tiaha
- 22. After 2 years of spending his life on planet Miioka, Maaks will fall in love with
- 23. THE END
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