Nutrition among teenagers

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Introduction: The topic of my project is «Nutrition among teenagers»


The topic of my project is
«Nutrition among teenagers»

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Introduction: I have chosen this theme because I want to pay


I have chosen this theme because I want to pay

attention to solving problems related with nutrition.
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Relevance The relevance of the study due to the importance of


The relevance of the study due to the importance of

proper nutrition in maintaining the health of teenagers. The health of the students is the health of the future generation.
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Problems Teenagers’ health, first of all, is under threat. And the


Teenagers’ health, first of all, is under threat. And the reason

for this is modern food, which adversely affect the fragile body of a teenager. Modern food "fast food", which means that the dish is cooked for a quick meal. These foods have flooded the shelves of many stores. Every year the number of children's diseases increases. And the problem is getting sharper and sharper.
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Hypothesis Nutrition affects human health

Hypothesis Nutrition affects human health

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purposes The aim of my project is the excluding junk food


The aim of my project is the excluding junk food from

the food diet of teenagers
The objectives of the study are:
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to learn about the means of replenishing vitamins in the human

to learn about the means of replenishing vitamins in the human

to get acquainted with the rules of proper nutrition;
to draw conclusions on the practical work of the topic.
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Research problem to study scientific information and analyze data on the

Research problem
to study scientific information and analyze data on the

research topic,
generalize and systematize the material,
The product of our project is a booklet,
suggest your solutions to the problem,
develop a set of rules for proper nutrition.
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to form a healthy lifestyle for teenagers through proper nutrition; to

to form a healthy lifestyle for teenagers through proper nutrition;
to find

out how to eat properly;
to prove the impact of nutrition on human health;
to learn the effect of various food on human health;
to study the literature on healthy eating;
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The theoretic step good or bad ?

The theoretic step good or bad ?

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Why do people eat fast food?

Why do people eat fast food?

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Effects on human health

Effects on human health

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The most harmful fast food products

The most harmful fast food products

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Polling «how often do you eat junk food?» .

Polling «how often do you eat junk food?»


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«Your attitude to fast food?»

«Your attitude to fast food?»

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Recommendations for children and students

Recommendations for children and students

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Conclusion Now I can say that I have achieved the goals.


Now I can say that I have achieved the goals.

I provided the society a leaflet of healthy eating rules.