Organization of business on manufacturing carpets


Слайд 2

Business plan Executive summary Marketing research Location Organization, management and staff

Business plan

Executive summary
Marketing research
Organization, management and staff
Financial analysis
Opportunities to enter the

world market
Socio-economic importance of the business
Слайд 3

Executive summary Create comfort technology become more widespread. Those interior elements

Executive summary

Create comfort technology become more widespread. Those interior elements that

were once considered luxuries in modern conditions of developed technologies become available to a wide range of consumers. The last two decades were a time of mass distribution of carpets and floor coverings. The apartments and office facilities - creating comfort and functional amenities; wool and polypropylene carpets can make a significant contribution to the formation of high-grade living space. Rugs - nice and warm; they bring to our lives that is able to do every day back home pleasant - homeliness. Heat and sound insulation, noise absorption, as well as vibrocomfort - these are the basic properties of the carpets. In this case, there are varieties of carpets, each designed for a specific intended use (lounge, bedroom, home, kids room, hotel, office and so on).
The concept of the project provides for the organization of the enterprise on the production of textile coverings, including carpets, rugs and mats, floor coverings. According to the project they will be considered the following issues as is it available to open the business on this industry, whether it is profitable, and what economic and social impact it has.
Слайд 4

Carpet manufacturing company “Tomiris” The company has the legal form of

Carpet manufacturing company “Tomiris”

The company has the legal form of a

limited liability company and applies generally established tax regime for small businesses.
Mission: Creating a better future: for our customers, for our people, for our company and for our communities.
Vision: To be the top performing and most admired carpet production company in Kazakhstan
Competitively priced quality carpets
Realize the potential of our people
Meet our customer requirements
Maximize the benefits of our company
Deliver structural cost reductions
Слайд 5

Слайд 6

Feasibility analysis Industry and market analysis Product and services analysis Financial analysis

Feasibility analysis

Industry and market analysis
Product and services analysis
Financial analysis

Слайд 7

Industry and market analysis Rivalry among existing competitors is high within

Industry and market analysis

Rivalry among existing competitors is high within the industry

our company operates in with major competitors like Almaty-kilem, Aigul line, Oner and distributers.
Carpets customers possess average amount of bargaining power because there is not so high level of switching cost of customers. People can consume other product instead of carpet, but if we think deeper we recognized that every family or house have at least one carpet with high quality.
The threat of substitute products and services for our production is substantial. Specifically, substitutes for our company include carpets and pugs from other companies which also produce these products. People also can consume synthetic carpets, etc. But in general people cannot substitute carpet with another product, because depreciation of carpets are lower that cheap substantial products.
Our suppliers have middle bargaining power due to the fact that the demand for carpet is high in country level and carpets can be produced not only in certain geographical areas. Moreover, in most areas of Kazakhstan people have ranches, which are the main resources for carpet. But if we want to reduce our costs of goods, it is relevant to produce goods near the material sources.
However, the threat of new entrants to the industry to compete with our future production is not so high; because the market is highly saturated and substantial amount of financial resources associated with buildings and properties, and resources are abound in order to enter into the industry.
Слайд 8

Product and service analysis Knowledge of manufacturers of carpets (citizens of Kazakhstan)

Product and service analysis

Knowledge of manufacturers of carpets (citizens of Kazakhstan)

Слайд 9

Decision criterion buying carpets

Decision criterion buying carpets

Слайд 10

Financial analysis Capital requirement Owners Equity: 30654000 KZT Bank Loan: 60856000

Financial analysis

Capital requirement
Owners Equity: 30654000 KZT
Bank Loan: 60856000 KZT
Total: 91510000 KZT

on investment:
Earnings – 90962956 KZT
Start up costs – 91510000 KZT
Слайд 11

Marketing research According to this data my target audience will be:

Marketing research

According to this data my target audience will be:
Age: 35-55

Location: Bostandyk, Medeo districts
Hobby: restaurant, museum, exhibitions
Слайд 12

My competitors Last bought brand carpets

My competitors

Last bought brand carpets

Слайд 13

Advertising: We should advertise our product through TV channels, journals, also

Advertising: We should advertise our product through TV channels, journals,

also at a place where our customers spend most of their time (Esentay Mall, Airport, etc). The main force goes to satisfaction of client’s requirements, because people trust more to their relatives and friends than other channels.
Sales: Locations of potential customers are districts of Bostandyk and Medeu. It will be easy to sell at these districts through boutiques, stores, shops. Location of manufacture would be in Almaty.
Слайд 14

E-commerce Anytime Creative Library Websites Digital Media Social Media Public Relations


Anytime Creative Library 
Digital Media 
Social Media 
Public Relations

Слайд 15

Location Manufacturing place – Almaty region Head-office – Almaty city Shopping-mall – Almaty city, Medeu district.


Manufacturing place – Almaty region
Head-office – Almaty city
Shopping-mall – Almaty

city, Medeu district.
Слайд 16

Financial analysis of the industry Pricing strategy Variable costs Direct Labor

Financial analysis of the industry

Pricing strategy

Variable costs

Direct Labor Cost = 1 720 000

Per unit=68 800 tg
Variable cost per unit = 127 023 tg
Слайд 17

Fixed costs Break-even point price = [(127 023 x 25) +

Fixed costs

Break-even point price = [(127 023 x 25) + 1 099 000]

/ 25 = 170 983 tg
Слайд 18

Project evaluation

Project evaluation

Слайд 19

Sources of financing Crediting conditions: * The program "Damu-Ondiris [JSC "Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan"]

Sources of financing

Crediting conditions:

* The program "Damu-Ondiris [JSC "Halyk Bank of

Слайд 20

Opportunities to enter the world market Kazakhstan is located in the

Opportunities to enter the world market

Kazakhstan is located in the center

of intensive markets of the CIS and Eastern Europe.
Customs Union
Слайд 21

Intellectual property The World intellectual property organization “The Eurasian Patent Organization”

Intellectual property

The World intellectual property organization
“The Eurasian Patent Organization”

object of the protection:
Designs and Models
Слайд 22

Socio-economic importance of the business With project implementation is provided the

Socio-economic importance of the business

With project implementation is provided the following

Creation of a new venture for the production of carpets;
An increase in the gross regional product;
Import substitution products;
Entry in the budget of Almaty oblast taxes and other deductions. Among the social impacts can be identified:
To meet the demand of the population and corporate sector in high-quality products;
Contribution to the development of the textile industry in Kazakhstan;
Creation of new jobs that will allow workers to receive a stable income.