Past tenses

Слайд 2

Past Simple: глагол + ed Past Simple используется, когда: • действие

Past Simple: глагол + ed
Past Simple используется, когда:
• действие произошло

в указанное время в прошлом.
Не sold his car two weeks ago. (Когда? Две недели назад.)
• говорим о состоянии/привычках в прошлом.
When he was young, he lived in a small flat.
• действия в прошлом следовали одно за другим.
She put on her coat, took her bag and left the house.
• действие было прошлом и больше не повторится.
I once spoke to Princess Diana. (Я ее больше не увижу; она умерла.)
Обстоятельства времени с Past Simple:
yesterday, last week / month / year /
Monday, etc., ago, how long ago, just
now, then, when, in 2000, etc.
Слайд 3

Structure + + Verb2 He read this book last month. -

Structure + + Verb2 He read this book last month. - + didn`t

+ Verb1 They didn`t go to Spain 3 years ago. ? Did+ +Verb1? Did you translate English songs last lesson?
Слайд 4

Мы используем Past Continuous, когда: • указан момент в прошлом, когда

Мы используем Past Continuous, когда: • указан момент в прошлом, когда

происходило действие. At 8 o'clock last night she was watching TV. • два и более действий в прошлом происходили одновременно (одновременные действия). At 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon Ben was doing his homework while his dad was cooking dinner. • говорим о действии, прерванном другим действием. Мы используем Past Continuous для прерванного действия и Past Simple для прервавшего действия. Linda was watching TV when the phone rang. • описываем обстановку, на фоне которой произошли события рассказа. We were walking in the woods. It was raining hard Обстоятельства времени: while, when, as, etc.
Слайд 5

Structure + + was/were + Verb(-ing) I was having lunch at

Structure + + was/were + Verb(-ing) I was having lunch at one

o’clock yesterday. - + wasn`t/weren`t + Verb(-ing) I wasn`t reading when the telephone rang ? Was/Were+ +Verb(-ing)? Was he listening to the radio when you left?
Слайд 6

Мы используем Past Perfect, когда: • действие в прошлом произошло до

Мы используем Past Perfect, когда: • действие в прошлом произошло до другого

действия в прошлом/до определенного времени в прошлом. She had already left when I got home. She had arrived by 8 o'clock. • действие закончилось в прошлом, и результаты его были также видны в прошлом. Не was happy. Не had won the race. • нужен эквивалент в прошедшем времени для Present Perfect. She isn't in her office. She has already left, (до настоящего времени) She wasn't in her office. She had already left. (до прошедшего времени) Обстоятельства времени с Past Perfect before, after, just, yet, already, for, since, ever, never, by, by the time, etc.
Слайд 7

She had left when he arrived. had left arrived Past Perfect Past Simple Now

She had left when he arrived.
had left arrived
Past Perfect Past Simple


Слайд 8

Structure + +had+Verb3 He had read this book before he sold

Structure + +had+Verb3 He had read this book before he sold it. -

+hadn`t+Verb3 They hadn`t been to Spain when they went to there. ? Had+ +Verb3? Had you translated English songs until you finished school?
Слайд 9

Мы используем Past Perfect Continuous, когда: • действие началось, длилось и

Мы используем Past Perfect Continuous, когда: • действие началось, длилось и закончилось

до другого действия в прошлом или до определенного времени в прошлом. She had been working as a clerk for 10 years before resigned. • действие длилось в прошлом, и результаты его были также видны в прошлом. Не was happy. Не had won the race. • нужен эквивалент в прошедшем времени для Present Perfect. She isn't in her office. She has already left, (до настоящего времени) She wasn't in her office. She had already left, (до прошедшего времени) Обстоятельства времени с Past Perfect Continuous for, since
Слайд 10

They had been swimming in the water for two hours when

They had been swimming in the water for two hours when

they were rescued

Swimming for two hours


were rescued

Слайд 11

I opened the window and saw the streets were wet. It

I opened the window and saw the streets were wet. It

had been raining.

evident result


wet streets

opened window

activity stops
