Phrasal verb Give

Слайд 2

Give away – отдавать, выдавать тайну They give away their old toys to the poor children.

Give away – отдавать, выдавать тайну

They give away their old toys

to the poor children.
Слайд 3

Give back – возвращать Give me back my book, please.

Give back – возвращать

Give me back my book, please.

Слайд 4

Give up – отказываться He gave up smoking last year.

Give up – отказываться

He gave up smoking last year.

Слайд 5

Jack gave ____ his favourite book to his best friend Sam.

Jack gave ____ his favourite book to his best friend Sam.

Слайд 6

Jack gave away his favourite book to his best friend Sam.

Jack gave away his favourite book to his best friend Sam.

Слайд 7

Alex gave ____ her exercise as she felt tired.

Alex gave ____ her exercise as she felt tired.

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Alex gave up her exercise as she felt tired.

Alex gave up her exercise as she felt tired.

Слайд 9

Paul gave ____ the book that Jack gave him to read for a weekend.

Paul gave ____ the book that Jack gave him to read

for a weekend.
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Paul gave back the book that Jack gave him to read for a weekend.

Paul gave back the book that Jack gave him to read

for a weekend.
Слайд 11

Jason kindly gave ____ his collection of CDs to the school library.

Jason kindly gave ____ his collection of CDs to the school
