Подготовка к олимпиадам по английскому языку


Слайд 2

Основные цели и задачи олимпиады: выявление и развитие у учащихся творческих

Основные цели и задачи олимпиады:

выявление и развитие у учащихся творческих способностей

и интереса к английскому языку;
развитие языковых и социокультурных знаний, связанных с историей и культурой англоязычных стран.
Слайд 3

Олимпиада школьников проводится в несколько этапов: школьный (для учащихся 5-11 классов),

Олимпиада школьников проводится в несколько этапов:
школьный (для учащихся 5-11 классов),

муниципальный (для учащихся 7-11 классов),
региональный (для учащихся 9-11 классов),
В каждом этапе, начиная с муниципального, принимают участие школьники, ставшие победителями и призерами в предыдущем этапе.
Слайд 4

Муниципальный этап состоит из 4 конкурсов: конкурс понимания устной речи; конкурс

Муниципальный этап состоит из 4 конкурсов:

конкурс понимания устной речи;
конкурс понимания письменной

лексико-грамматический тест;
конкурс письменной речи.
Слайд 5

Конкурс понимания устной речи Listen to the text and decide if

Конкурс понимания устной речи

Listen to the text and decide if the

statements are true (T) or false (F) or there is no information about it in the text (NI).
The man is not convinced about the extent of the problem.
The two specific regions in the brain are active when people are depressed.
Optimistic people have more cells in these two regions of the brain.
Research reveals that one third of the world’s population suffer from depression at least once in their life.
Researchers know that inactivity of the two regions of the brain is a cause of depression.
Autopsies show that depressed people had various health problems.
Слайд 6

Конкурс понимания устной речи: альтернативный выбор Listen to the text and

Конкурс понимания устной речи: альтернативный выбор

Listen to the text and decide

if the statements are true (T) or false (F) or there is no information about it in the text (NI).
The man is not convinced about the extent of the problem. TRUE
The two specific regions in the brain are active when people are depressed. NO INFORMATION
Optimistic people have more cells in these two regions of the brain. NO INFORMATION
Research reveals that one third of the world’s population suffer from depression at least once in their life. NO INFORMATION
Researchers know that inactivity of the two regions of the brain is a cause of depression. FALSE
Autopsies show that depressed people had various health problems. NO INFORMATION
Слайд 7

You will hear a passage about jokes. For items 1-10 decide

You will hear a passage about jokes. For items 1-10 decide

whether the statements are True (A) or False (B) according to the text you hear. You will hear the text once.

1. People from different countries easily agree about what is funny.
2. Some cultures do not have jokes.
3. In many countries there are jokes about stupid persons.
4. Taboo subjects may vary in different countries.
5. The joke about the hunters is a ‘black’ one.
6. The narrator finds the joke about the hunters extremely funny.
7. The scientists think that the joke about Sherlock Holmes and
Dr Watson is the funniest.
8. The narrator rather likes the Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson
9. Surprising endings are important for good jokes.
10. Scientists will once be able to find the best ever joke.

Слайд 8

1. People from different countries easily agree about what is funny.

1. People from different countries easily agree about what is funny.

2. Some cultures do not have jokes. B
3. In many countries there are jokes about stupid persons. A
4. Taboo subjects may vary in different countries. A
5. The joke about the hunters is a ‘black’ one. A
6. The narrator finds the joke about the hunters extremely funny. B
7. The scientists think that the joke about Sherlock Holmes
and Dr Watson is the funniest. B
8. The narrator rather likes the Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson joke.A
9. Surprising endings are important for good jokes. A
10. Scientists will once be able to find the best ever joke. B
Слайд 9

Конкурс понимания устной речи: заполнение пропусков Fill in the gaps with no more than two words.

Конкурс понимания устной речи: заполнение пропусков

 Fill in the gaps with no

more than two words.
Слайд 10

Слайд 11

Интегрированное задание: конкурс понимания письменного и устного текстов For many years,

Интегрированное задание: конкурс понимания письменного и устного текстов

For many years, scientists

have known that music can help soothe babies. Then they discovered that listening to music, Mozart in particular, can help babies in ways they hadn’t imagined before. The phenomenon, called the Mozart Effect, was found to have positive benefits on intelligence and creativity.
In one study, psychologists gave study participants three tests. During each of the tests, the participants of the study listened to either Mozart, relaxation music, or nothing at all. The results of the study showed that all of the participants scored better on the tests after listening to Mozart. On average, the participants added about nine points to their IQ after listening to Mozart.
The Mozart Effect also affects the creativity of babies. In his book, American author Don Campbell described how playing Mozart for babies before they are born can help them become more creative as adults. According to Campbell, the music helped stimulate their mental development. By the time the babies were born, they were already more creative than babies who did not listen to Mozart. His argument was so strong that some hospitals decided to give all new mothers CDs of Mozart’s music.
Слайд 12

Choose A if the idea is expressed in both materials, B

Choose A if the idea is expressed in both materials, B

if it can be found only in the reading text, C if it can be found only in the audio-recording, and D if neither of the materials expresses the idea.

Music can calm babies down.
The Mozart Effect has a good impact on children’s intelligence and creativity.
The study involved three tests.
One group of the test-takers did not listen to any music at all.
The test-takers were college students.
A molecular basis for the Mozart Effect has recently been revealed.
The extra nine points, added to the IQs of those who listened to Mozart, disappeared after 15 minutes.
Rats, like humans, perform better on learning and memory tests after listening to a Mozart sonata.
The Mozart Effect has not been proved scientifically.
Don Campbell’s book The Mozart Effect has condensed the world’s research on all beneficial effects of certain types of music.
Some hospitals gave new mothers CDs of Mozart’s music.
The theory of the Mozart Effect was a marketing tool.

Слайд 13

Choose A if the idea is expressed in both materials, B

Choose A if the idea is expressed in both materials, B

if it can be found only in the reading text, C if it can be found only in the audio-recording, and D if neither of the materials expresses the idea.

Music can calm babies down. B
The Mozart Effect has a good impact on children’s intelligence and creativity. B
The study involved three tests. A
One group of the test-takers did not listen to any music at all. A
The test-takers were college students. C
A molecular basis for the Mozart Effect has recently been revealed. D
The extra nine points, added to the IQs of those who listened to Mozart, disappeared after 15 minutes. C
Rats, like humans, perform better on learning and memory tests after listening to a Mozart sonata. D
The Mozart Effect has not been proved scientifically. C
Don Campbell’s book The Mozart Effect has condensed the world’s research on all beneficial effects of certain types of music.D
Some hospitals gave new mothers CDs of Mozart’s music. B
The theory of the Mozart Effect was a marketing tool. C

Слайд 14

Use of English: Verb Forms

Use of English: Verb Forms

Слайд 15

Use of English: Verb Forms

Use of English: Verb Forms

Слайд 16

Think of one word only which can be used appropriately in

Think of one word only which can be used appropriately in

all three sentences.
1. ● I need more ………………………….…… at using this computer program.
● I am worried about my interview because I’m a bit out of …………..……… .
● The …………..……… of dumping the waste into the river has to be stopped.
2. ● Ann’s teeth were …………….... after she’d worn braces on them for two years.
● James managed to speak with a steady, …….………voice, despite the fact that he was furious with them.
● Make sure the surface is ……………..….. before you put up the wall paper.
3. ● The ………………..… with him is that he doesn’t have any patience.
● Stella went to a lot of ………………..… to prepare the meal.
● Angela’s had a lot of back ……………..…. lately and will have to have an operation.
4. ● John is very ………………….. with money.
● That’s a …………………. thing to do.
● The ……………….... annual temperature is 25ºC.
5. ● Elizabeth began to ………………….…… the milk into the sauce.
● Ronald was in a deep sleep and didn’t …………………..….. once all night.
● The book seemed to ……………………..….. him profoundly.
Слайд 17

Think of one word only which can be used appropriately in

Think of one word only which can be used appropriately in

all three sentences.
1. ● I need more PRACTICE at using this computer program.
● I am worried about my interview because I’m a bit out of PRACTICE.
● The PRACTICE of dumping the waste into the river has to be stopped.
2. ● Ann’s teeth were EVEN after she’d worn braces on them for two years.
● James managed to speak with a steady, EVEN voice, despite the fact that he was furious with them.
● Make sure the surface is EVEN before you put up the wall paper.
3. ● The TROUBLE with him is that he doesn’t have any patience.
● Stella went to a lot of TROUBLE to prepare the meal.
● Angela’s had a lot of back TROUBLE lately and will have to have an operation.
4. ● John is very MEAN with money.
● That’s a MEAN thing to do.
● The MEAN annual temperature is 25ºC.
5. ● Elizabeth began to STIR the milk into the sauce.
● Ronald was in a deep sleep and didn’t STIR once all night.
● The book seemed to STIR him profoundly.
Слайд 18

CROSSWORD PUZZLE For questions, 1-7 read the text The Guests. Solve


For questions, 1-7 read the text The Guests. Solve the

crossword puzzle by replacing the underlined words or word combinations with their synonyms.
Слайд 19

The Guests A young man and his wife were on a

The Guests
A young man and his wife were on a trip

to visit his mother. Usually they (1 across) came in time for supper, but they had had a late start, and now it was getting dark, so they decided to look for a place to stay overnight and (3 down) go in a car on in the morning.
Just off the road, they saw a small house in the woods. "Maybe they rent rooms," the wife said. So they stopped to ask. An elderly man and woman came to the door. They didn't rent rooms, they said, but they would be glad to have them stay overnight as their guests. They had plenty of room, and they would enjoy the company. The old woman made coffee and brought out some cake, and the four of them talked for a while. Then the young couple were taken to their room. They tried to (2 across) beg urgently on paying for this, but the old man said he would not (6 across) take any money.
The young couple got up early the next morning, before their hosts had awakened. They left an envelope with some money in it on a table near the front door, to pay for the room. Then they went on to the next town. They stopped at a (4 down) an eating house and had breakfast. When they told the owner where they had stayed, he was (5 down) struck with fear. «That can't be,“ he said. "That house burned to the ground, and the man and the woman who lived there (7 across) passed away in the fire» .
The young couple could not believe it. So they went back to the house. Only now there was no house. All they found was a burnt-out shell. They stood staring at the ruins trying to understand what had happened. Then the woman screamed: In the rubble was a badly burned table, like the one they had seen by the front door and on the table was the envelope they had left that very morning.
Слайд 20

Слайд 21

A young man and his wife were on a trip to

A young man and his wife were on a trip to

visit his mother. Usually they (1 across) ARRIVED in time for supper, but they had had a late start, and now it was getting dark, so they decided to look for a place to stay overnight and (3 down) DRIVE on in the morning.
Just off the road, they saw a small house in the woods. "Maybe they rent rooms," the wife said. So they stopped to ask. An elderly man and woman came to the door. They didn't rent rooms, they said, but they would be glad to have them stay overnight as their guests. They had plenty of room, and they would enjoy the company. The old woman made coffee and brought out some cake, and the four of them talked for a while. Then the young couple were taken to their room. They tried to (2 across) INSIST on paying for this, but the old man said he would not (6 across) ACCEPT any money.
The young couple got up early the next morning, before their hosts had awakened. They left an envelope with some money in it on a table near the front door, to pay for the room. Then they went on to the next town. They stopped at a (4 down) RESTAURANT and had breakfast. When they told the owner where they had stayed, he was (5 down) SHOCKED. «That can't be,"he said. "That house burned to the ground, and the man and the woman who lived there (7 across) DIED in the fire» .
The young couple could not believe it. So they went back to the house. Only now there was no house. All they found was a burnt-out shell. They stood staring at the ruins trying to understand what had happened. Then the woman screamed: In the rubble was a badly burned table, like the one they had seen by the front door and on the table was the envelope they had left that very morning.
Слайд 22

In each of the following extracts from a newspaper there is

In each of the following extracts from a newspaper there is

a misprint. Find this word, underline it and write it correctly.

In this restaurant you will find a full range of beers, wines and spirits and I would recommend you to try one of their nasty bar snacks.
The police would like to trade the man who helped the old lady after an accident.
When the police officers arrived on the scene of the crime, they found a man writing in pain.
The sign says the land is in conversation area, so it cannot be touched.
Jason was stopped by the police who gave him a breast test.

Слайд 23

In each of the following extracts from a newspaper there is

In each of the following extracts from a newspaper there is

a misprint. Find this word, underline it and write it correctly.

In this restaurant you will find a full range of beers, wines and spirits and I would recommend you to try one of their TASTY bar snacks.
The police would like to TRACE the man who helped the old lady after an accident.
When the police officers arrived on the scene of the crime, they found a man WRITHING in pain.
The sign says the land is in CONSERVATION area, so it cannot be touched.
Jason was stopped by the police who gave him a BREATH test.

Слайд 24

Replace the words in bold type in the following sentences with

Replace the words in bold type in the following sentences with

a simple word. The first letter of the word is given.

After months of negotiations, the treaty has now been formally accepted. (r……………………..)
After all the nuclear tests, the island was not fit to live on. (u…………………………….)
We were all informed of the decision in advance. (b…………………………..)
The two roads cross each other here. (i……………………………)
All rooms must be left empty before 12 noon. (v……………………………..)

Слайд 25

Replace the words in bold type in the following sentences with

Replace the words in bold type in the following sentences with

a simple word. The first letter of the word is given.

After months of negotiations, the treaty has now been RATIFIED.
After all the nuclear tests, the island was UNINHABITABLE.
We were all informed of the decision BEFOREHAND.
The two roads INTERSECT here.
All rooms must be VACATED before 12 noon.

Слайд 26

Proverbs. Fill in the gaps with one word. The early bird

Proverbs. Fill in the gaps with one word.

The early bird catches

the ___________.
Too many cooks spoil the ___________ .
Every __________ has a silver lining.
Better die standing than live ____________.
When at Rome, do as the ___________ do.
Where there is a ___________, there is a way.
A watched pot never __________ .
___________ is the best policy.
One good turn ____________ another.
Talk of the ____________ and he will appear.
Слайд 27

The early bird catches the WORM. Too many cooks spoil the

The early bird catches the WORM.
Too many cooks spoil the BROTH.

CLOUD has a silver lining.
Better die standing than live KNEELING.
When at Rome, do as the ROMANS do.
Where there is a WILL, there is a way.
A watched pot never BOILS.
HONESTY is the best policy.
One good turn DESERVES another.
Talk of the DEVIL and he will appear.
Слайд 28

IDIOMS. Complete each sentence with the correct colour: green, white, blue,

IDIOMS. Complete each sentence with the correct colour: green, white, blue,

red, golden, black, silver.

Jonathan was born with a ________ spoon in his mouth – he’s always been rich and successful.
I don’t usually travel long distances, just once in a _______ moon.
The company’s managing director received a £900,000 ____ handshake on retiring.
The new mixer that Stella bought seems to be a ______ elephant — she doesn’t use it at all.
Our small firm was in the _____ at the end of our first year. We had really hard times, I hate it.
I can proudly say that I managed to move the company into the ______.
Jackie’s new car made her friends _________ with envy.
We told the hostess that her fishes were delicious, which was actually a _____ lie.
I got an e-mail from my school friend out of the _______ last week.
When the president comes to town the local authorities roll out the ______ carpet.

Слайд 29

Jonathan was born with a SILVER spoon in his mouth –

Jonathan was born with a SILVER spoon in his mouth –

he’s always been rich and successful.
I don’t usually travel long distances, just once in a BLUE moon.
The company’s managing director received a £900,000 GOLDEN handshake on retiring.
The new mixer that Stella bought seems to be a WHITE elephant — she doesn’t use it at all.
Our small firm was in the RED at the end of our first year. We had really hard times, I hate it.
I can proudly say that I managed to move the company into the BLACK.
Jackie’s new car made her friends GREEN with envy.
We told the hostess that her fishes were delicious, which was actually a WHITE lie.
I got an e-mail from my school friend out of the BLUE last week.
When the president comes to town the local authorities roll out the RED carpet.
Слайд 30

POLITENESS STRATEGIES. Match the questions to the functions.

POLITENESS STRATEGIES. Match the questions to the functions.

Слайд 31

Слайд 32

Phrasal verbs. Replace the words and phrases in bold with the

Phrasal verbs.

Replace the words and phrases in bold with the

correct forms of the phrasal verbs, use some other words where it is necessary.
The meeting continued until 6 p.m.
Stephen doesn’t have a good relationship with his chief.
The film was boring. I fell asleep in the middle of it.
A bomb exploded in one of the residential areas, but fortunately nobody was injured.
They really charged too much at that hotel. It’s a disgrace to have to pay so much money for such poor service!
They had to cancel the football match because of the weather.
The teacher spoke angrily to him for not doing his homework.
I wish you would stop trying to impress people – we all know how clever you are!
We’ve invited them to dinner, but we’ll have to move it to a later date because our baby is sick.
We start our journey very early.
Слайд 33

The meeting continued until 6 p.m. WENT ON Stephen doesn’t have

The meeting continued until 6 p.m. WENT ON
Stephen doesn’t have a

good relationship with his chief. DOESN’T GET ON
The film was boring. I fell asleep in the middle of it. DROPPED OFF / NODDED OFF / DOZED OFF
A bomb exploded in one of the residential areas, but fortunately nobody was injured. WENT OFF
They really charged too much at that hotel. It’s a disgrace to have to pay so much money for such poor service! RIPPED US OFF
They had to cancel the football match because of the weather. CALL OFF
The teacher spoke angrily to him for not doing his homework. TOLD HIM OFF
I wish you would stop trying to impress people – we all know how clever you are! SHOWING OFF
We’ve invited them to dinner, but we’ll have to move it to a later date because our baby is sick. PUT IT OFF
We start our journey very early. SET OFF
Слайд 34

Vocabulary work.

Vocabulary work.

Слайд 35



Слайд 36



Слайд 37



Слайд 38



Слайд 39



Слайд 40



Слайд 41



Слайд 42

lily of the valley

lily of the valley

Слайд 43



Слайд 44

History and Culture of the English Speaking Countries

History and Culture of the English Speaking Countries

Слайд 45

History and Culture of the English Speaking Countries

History and Culture of the English Speaking Countries

Слайд 46

WRITING: The line graph shows Minnesota’s investment in child care between

WRITING: The line graph shows Minnesota’s investment in child care between

2001 and 2019. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown. Write at least 150 words.
Слайд 47

Useful Language This line graph shows changes in … Total funding

Useful Language  

This line graph shows changes in …
Total funding started at

$120 million.
Total funding reached a peak …
State funding increased for …years and then levelled off.
State funding dipped briefly in 2006, then recovered.
In … total funding stood at …
State funding rose from … to … between … and …
Since 2014 total funding has increased …
It remained constant/stable …
It maintained the same level …
There has been a steady rise in …
There was a dramatic improvement in …
There was a steady growth …
The main trend seen in the graph is that …
Слайд 48

The bar chart gives information about the unemployment rate in the

The bar chart gives information about the unemployment rate in the

United Kingdom from July 2015 to April 2016 in per cent. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown. Write at least 150 words.
Слайд 49

Useful Language The unemployment rate in the United Kingdom fell to

Useful Language

The unemployment rate in the United Kingdom fell to …

is the lowest figure …/It is the highest figure …
The number of unemployed reached the lowest …
The employment rate decreased to a fresh record of …
British unemployment rate was recorded at … per cent …
The number of unemployed people remained unchanged …
It fell slightly …
The figures indicate that …
The following conclusions can be drawn from the data …
Слайд 50

The pie chart shows the number of US retail sales in

The pie chart shows the number of US retail sales in

per cent in April 2016. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown. Write at least 150 words.
Слайд 51

Useful Language We can see that the greatest proportion of expenditure

Useful Language

We can see that the greatest proportion of expenditure was

on …
Gasoline accounts for just 7 % of the total.
Restaurants and bars came in the second place at 12 %.
Another major expense was general merchandise, at 12 %.
Compared with …
In contrast, we can see that …
The smallest proportion of expenditure was on …
Overall, the data indicates that …
Слайд 52

Рекомендации по развитию навыков письменной речи Всегда помните высказывание: “The only

Рекомендации по развитию навыков письменной речи

Всегда помните высказывание: “The only way

to learn to write is to write.” (Peggy Teeters, American writer, teacher of creative writing)
Научитесь правильно использовать связующие элементы.
Изучите орфографические правила. When our spelling is perfect, it’s invisible. But when it’s flawed, it prompts strong negative associations (Marilyn vos Savant, American writer).
Научитесь правильно использовать пунктуационные знаки. Помните, что пунктуация в английском языке отличается от пунктуации русского языка.
Всегда приветствуется оригинальность и творческий подход к выполнению заданий, однако, помните и о соблюдении заданного формата письма.
Слайд 53

Write your own version of the story based on the picture.

Write your own version of the story based on the picture.

Time: 60 minutes
Remember to:
include a title;
describe events in an entertaining way;
include elements of direct speech, description of feelings and emotions;
make an unexpected ending.
You should write 220-250 words.
Слайд 54

Слайд 55

Слайд 56

Требования, предъявляемые к рассказу целостность содержания; оригинальный, динамически развивающийся сюжет; естественность

Требования, предъявляемые к рассказу

целостность содержания;
оригинальный, динамически развивающийся сюжет;
естественность тона повествования, наличие

описания, повествования, рассуждения;
заинтересованный тон изложения, наличие индивидуально-авторской оценки событий и фактов, чувств и эмоций автора и героев;
ясное, логичное изложение мыслей;
наличие элементов диалогической речи;
наличие композиции: зачина, основной части с кульминацией, завершающей части (концовки, развязки);
наличие заголовка и абзацев4
использование разнообразных языковых средств.
Слайд 57

Общие советы Помните, что рассказ может быть написан от первого или

Общие советы

Помните, что рассказ может быть написан от первого или третьего

лица, он может описывать серию вымышленных событий, событий, представленных на картинке или событий из жизни автора.
Слайд 58

Рассказ обычно состоит из введения (зачина), в котором представлена сцена событий

Рассказ обычно состоит из
введения (зачина), в котором представлена сцена событий

(герои, время, место) таким образом, чтобы захватить внимание читателя и заставить его продолжить чтение;
основной части, в которой разворачивается сюжет и достигает кульминации;
заключения (концовки, развязки), в которой автор или герой обращается к чувствам читателя, комментирует чувства героев или последствия событий. Чем более непредсказуема концовка, тем большее впечатление она произведет на читателя.
Слайд 59

Следует следить за логикой повествования и делить текст на абзацы, используя

Следует следить за логикой повествования и делить текст на абзацы, используя

средства логической связи.
Прежде чем начинать писать рассказ, продумайте сюжетную линию, характеристику героев, составьте план и набросайте ключевые слова к пунктам плана.
Слайд 60

Можно начать рассказ описывая погоду, людей, место действия; используя прямую речь;

Можно начать рассказ
описывая погоду, людей, место действия;
используя прямую речь;
задавая риторический вопрос;

свои слова к читателю.
Слайд 61

Можно закончить рассказ обращаясь к чувствам читателя; описывая реакции людей на

Можно закончить рассказ

обращаясь к чувствам читателя;
описывая реакции людей на события, описанные

в основной части;
создавая загадку или напряжение;
раскрывая загадку или снимая напряжение;
объясняя последствия событий, давая развязку;
задавая риторический вопрос;
написав о чем-то абсолютно неожиданном в плане предсказания развития сюжета.
Слайд 62

Учтите, что динамика событий в рассказе очень важна, ее можно подчеркнуть,

Учтите, что динамика событий в рассказе очень важна, ее можно подчеркнуть,

используя слова at the beginning, at first, then, before, until, while, during, after, after a while, finally, eventually, etc.,
также используя глаголы happen, decide, realise, start, run, appear, disappear, occur, exclaim, sigh, mutter, say, wonder, surprise, believe, argue, etc.
Слайд 63

Используйте прилагательные и наречия, чтобы описать чувства и действия героев. При

Используйте прилагательные и наречия, чтобы описать чувства и действия героев. При

этом вместо приевшихся слов big, small, interesting, good, bad, very используйте их синонимы enormous, tiny, exciting, terrific, horrible, extremely etc.
Слайд 64

При написании рассказа используйте самые разнообразные грамматические структуры: Complex Object, Conditionals,

При написании рассказа используйте самые разнообразные грамматические структуры: Complex Object, Conditionals,

Inversion etc.
Используйте Past Continuous для описания ситуации, на фоне которой происходят основные события (The sun was shining, the birds were twittering, the children were playing in the yard).
Используйте Past Simple для описания основных событий, цепочки действий (He slowly entered the house, locked the door and looked at the clock on the wall).
Используйте Past Perfect для событий, происходивших до основных событий (The house was empty as everybody had gone to the concert).
Слайд 65

Adding -ed to the verb stem. ● If a verb ends

Adding -ed to the verb stem.

● If a verb ends in

-y which is preceded by a consonant, -y changes into -i + -ed (study – studied, deny – denied, cry – cried). If -y at the end of the verb is preceded by a vowel, there is no change (stay – stayed, play – played).
● A final consonant is doubled if it is preceded by one short stressed vowel (stop – stopped, drop – dropped, permit – permitted, admit – admitted) or if a verb ends in a stressed -ur, -ir or -er (prefer – preferred, occur – occurred, refer – referred, stir – stirred). There are some exceptions, though: kidnap – kidnapped, worship – worshipped, handicap – handicapped. If a long or unstressed vowel precedes the final consonant, the latter is not doubled (steam – steamed, reform – reformed, limit – limited, appear – appeared).
● A final -l is doubled in all the cases (travel – travelled, quarrel – quarrelled).
● Final vowel letters and combinations -ow, -aw, -ew do not change (taxi – taxied, ski – skied, veto – vetoed, moo – mooed, show – showed, thaw – thawed, sew – sewed).
● If a verb ends in -ee, only -d is added (agree – agreed).
● If a verb ends in -c (usually -ic) which is pronounced as [k], the letter c changes into ck to keep the sound [k] (panic – panicked, picnic – picnicked).
Слайд 66

Adding -(e)s to the verb stem. ● If a verb ends

Adding -(e)s to the verb stem.

● If a verb ends in

-s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -tch, -x, -z, -o, the suffix -es is added to the verb to form the Present Simple Tense (gasses, passes, washes, launches, watches, fixes, buzzes, does).
● If a verb ends in -y which is preceded by a consonant, -y changes into -i + ed (carry – carries, try – tries, study – studies), if the final -y is preceded by a vowel, no change takes place (obey – obeys, stay – stays).
Слайд 67

Adding -ing to the verb stem.

Adding -ing to the verb stem.


Слайд 68

Add -es to the following verbs.

Add -es to the following verbs.

Слайд 69

Слайд 70

Add -ed to the following verbs.

Add -ed to the following verbs.

Слайд 71

Слайд 72

Add -ing to the following verbs.

Add -ing to the following verbs.

Слайд 73

Слайд 74

Рекомендации по подготовке к муниципальному этапу олимпиады расширение словарного запаса повторение

Рекомендации по подготовке к муниципальному этапу олимпиады

расширение словарного запаса
повторение грамматического материала

художественной литературы
выполнение различных письменных заданий
прослушивание текстов, песен, радиопрограмм
просмотр художественных фильмов, сериалов, документальных фильмов, обучающих фильмов, коротких видеороликов
выполнение самых разнообразных заданий на развитие навыков устной речи
Слайд 75

Рекомендации по развитию навыков устной речи выполнение заданий разного типа (монологи,

Рекомендации по развитию навыков устной речи

выполнение заданий разного типа (монологи, диалоги,

полилоги, презентации);
запись ответов на диктофон (или работа с программой What’s app);
выполнение заданий с предварительной подготовкой (в том числе домашней);
выполнение заданий с минимальной подготовкой;
работа в группах (выполнение проектов; заданий, которые носят проблемный характер);
оценивание устных высказываний других учащихся (развивает умение замечать ошибки, исправлять их, анализировать причины возникновения, стараться избегать подобных ошибок в своих высказываниях)
Слайд 76

Составление презентации Task 1. Look at the storyboard for Marli fruit

Составление презентации

Task 1. Look at the storyboard for Marli fruit juice

and prepare a scenario (a story that summarises the action, the atmosphere, the characters and the scene where the sequences of the TV commercial will be filmed) and a slogan for this product. Give a two-minute presentation of your scenario.
Remember to speak about:
● the setting;
● the characters;
● the action;
● the slogan.
Слайд 77

Слайд 78

Task 1. Before you start doing the task, read some information

Task 1. Before you start doing the task, read some information

about designing a television commercial.
A TV commercial is a short film sequence of between 30 and 60 seconds with an accompanying soundtrack. Various techniques are used in commercials to convince the viewer of the value of the product or service which is being advertised. One of the most common is ‘dramatization’ where a short story is developed around the product or the service. The original ideas behind a commercial of this type are developed from a scenario, a written document that summarises the action, the atmosphere, the characters and the scene where the sequences of the commercial will be filmed. An artist then produces a storyboard, or series of pictures, to show how the commercial will look.
Look at the storyboard for a Gillette anti-perspirant TV commercial and prepare a scenario and a slogan for this product. Present your scenario to the teacher. You are to talk for 1-1,5 min. The teacher will listen until you have finished. Then s/he will ask you some questions.
Remember to speak about:
● the setting;
● the characters (explain who they are; what they look like; what they say);
● the action;
● the slogan.
Слайд 79

Слайд 80

Imagine that you and your partner are invited to a talk

Imagine that you and your partner are invited to a talk

show about modern technologies. Present a true-to-life or an imaginary story about how a hero’s incompetence with new technologies puts him in danger.
(Monologue; Time: 1-1,5 minutes)
Then answer three questions of your partner.
(Dialogue; Time: 2 minutes)
Слайд 81

Telling a story Make up either an imaginary or a true-to-life

Telling a story

Make up either an imaginary or a true-to-life story

and present it to your partner. Your partner will listen to you until you have finished and then s/he will ask you 3 questions. After that the partner must say if the story is true or imaginary.
Слайд 82

Speaking based on the video episode Watch a short video episode

Speaking based on the video episode

Watch a short video episode about

Sydney and do the following tasks:
speak about the good and bad points of the transportation in Sydney;
say how the transportation in your hometown can be improved.
Слайд 83

Speaking based on a picture Design a robot of your own.

Speaking based on a picture

Design a robot of your own. Draw

a picture and prepare a presentation in which you are to
describe a robot;
speak about its functions;
explain in what spheres (education, work, entertainment, home, travel, medicine, space exploration etc.) it can be useful.
You are to speak for about 2 minutes. The jury will listen to you until you have finished. Then you will be asked some questions.
Слайд 84

Dialogue with a partner Talk with your partner about the degree

Dialogue with a partner

Talk with your partner about the degree of

danger each of the following professionals might face in their jobs. Then decide on the job that is most dangerous.
Remember to:
● speak for 3-4 minutes;
● discuss all the pictures;
● come up with ideas and give good reasons;
● find out your friend’s attitudes and take them into account;
● be active and polite;
● use conversational formulas;
● come to an agreement and choose only one profession which you find the most dangerous.
Слайд 85

Слайд 86

Presentation based on some information in the Russian language Imagine you

Presentation based on some information in the Russian language

Imagine you are

a tourist guide and you are going to tell a foreign tourist from the USA about the monument to V.M. Shukshin.
Remember to speak about
● the person whose monument you are standing in front of;
● the history of the construction;
● the significance of the monument.
Present the facts in an entertaining way. You have 15 minutes to look through the information for your excursion and 3 minutes for the presentation.
Слайд 87

Слайд 88

Слайд 89

Слайд 90

Типичные грамматические ошибки времена, использование глагольных форм, согласование времен, порядок слов,

Типичные грамматические ошибки

использование глагольных форм,
согласование времен,
порядок слов,

употребление множественного числа в структуре: one of the cities,
предлоги: influence smth, his influence on me, affect smth
местоимения (feel happy).
Слайд 91

Лексические ошибки лексическая сочетаемость, идиомы, фразовые глаголы слова, представляющие особую сложность:

Лексические ошибки

лексическая сочетаемость,
фразовые глаголы
слова, представляющие особую сложность: lose-loose; lie-lay, rise-raise,

ложные друзья переводчика: intelligent, accurate,
неправильное словообразование: architect, playwright
Слайд 92

Орфографические ошибки правила написания слов при добавлении суффиксов -ing, -ed, -es:

Орфографические ошибки

правила написания слов при добавлении суффиксов -ing, -ed, -es: -y

в финальной позиции, удвоение согласной и др.
cуффикс –ful,
написание отдельных слов: disappointing, convenient, until.
Слайд 93

Пунктуационные ошибки использование правил русского языка (запятая перед that), оформление прямой

Пунктуационные ошибки

использование правил русского языка (запятая перед that),
оформление прямой речи,

использование кавычек для названий книг, фильмов и др.,
использование строчных букв в названиях,
использование точки в конце заголовков,
отсутствие запятой после вводных слов.
Слайд 94

Прямая речь ‘Daddy, when you were my age, how much television

Прямая речь

‘Daddy, when you were my age, how much television

could you watch?’ Paula glanced at Bob seductively.
‘When I was your age, there was no TV.’
‘Are you that old?’
‘What your father means,’ said Sheila, glossing Bob’s hyperbole, ‘was he knew that reading books was more rewarding.’
‘We read books in school,’ said Paula. ‘Can I watch the tube now?’
‘If all your homework is done,’ said Sheila.
Слайд 95

Стилевые ошибки использование разговорной лексики в сочинениях, докладах, описаниях, стиль которых должен соответствовать нейтральному или официальному.

Стилевые ошибки

использование разговорной лексики в сочинениях, докладах, описаниях, стиль которых должен

соответствовать нейтральному или официальному.
Слайд 96

Фонетические ошибки неверное произношение слов (channel – canal, desert-dessert, Seoul, image,

Фонетические ошибки

неверное произношение слов (channel – canal, desert-dessert, Seoul, image, design,

extreme, effect, company, win-won-won, front, discount, climb, bomb, comb, nation – national, international, nature – natural, says-said, house-houses, secretive, biscuits, astronaut),
произнесение звука [g] в конце слов –ing,
межзубных звуков [θ, ð],
замена одного из звуков другим [w, v, f, θ, ð],
неверное ударение в словах: communicate, imaginative, investigate, mobile
ударение сложных существительных (wildlife, bedroom, handbag, newspaper, homework, timetable, vacuum-cleaner),
интонация (паузация, логическое ударение, выделение всех слов синтагмы, несоблюдение интонации конца предложения и др.),
долгота: beach, reach, speak, people
диссимиляция: hundred, particularly, regularly, conscientious, tragedy (*tradegy), subtract (*substract)