Презентация к уроку английского языка "Mass Media" - скачать бесплатно

Слайд 2

Television is the most popular entertainment in British home life today.

Television is the most popular entertainment in British home life today.

Слайд 3

One of Britain’s bestknown newscasters, Trevor McDonald, presenting Channel 3’s daily news programm, News at Ten.

One of Britain’s bestknown newscasters, Trevor McDonald, presenting Channel 3’s daily

news programm, News at Ten.
Слайд 4

Слайд 5

The press plays an important part in the life of society.

The press plays an important part in the life of society.

Millions of Americans in their free time read newspapers.
Слайд 6

Popular television drama programmes, such as the BBC’s Clarissa, are shown

Popular television drama programmes, such as the BBC’s Clarissa, are shown

in many countries around the world.
Слайд 7

Radio brings into millions of homes not only entertainment and news

Radio brings into millions of homes not only entertainment and news

but also cultural and educational programs.

On the radio one can hear music, plays, news, and different com­mentary and discussions called 'forums'.

Слайд 8

Twelve national morning daily papers (5 ‘qualities’ and 7 ‘populars’) and

Twelve national morning daily papers (5 ‘qualities’ and 7 ‘populars’) and

9 Sunday papers (4 ‘qualities’ 5 ‘populars’) are available in most parts of Britain/
Слайд 9

The latest addiction to trap thousands of people is the Internet.

The latest addiction to trap thousands of people is the Internet.

Слайд 10

1.Every week you watch TV programmes which are considered educational? 2.Basically

1.Every week you watch TV programmes which are considered educational?

2.Basically you

certain programmes (for example detectives, variety show, soap operas, etc.)

Is TV your friend or your enemy?

Слайд 11

3.You often forget about lessons when you want to watch TV?

3.You often forget about lessons when you want to watch TV?


combine TV with other kinds of mental activities such as study, reading or writing a letter?
Слайд 12

5.In your family there are often quarrels because what TV programme

5.In your family there are often quarrels because what TV programme

to choose and how much time to watch TV.

6.When your friends come you switch off the TV set if they aren’t interested in TV programmes?

Слайд 13

7.TV during the meal is a remarkable way to make children

7.TV during the meal is a remarkable way to make children

to be have silently and well.

8.Nobody should concern how loudly TV set is working.

Слайд 14

9.TV has replaced many hobbies and ways of rest from which

9.TV has replaced many hobbies and ways of rest from which

people took pleasure in their childhood.

10.Sometimes you doubt in some facts or the statements heard on TV.

Слайд 15

11.When nobody watch TV you frequently having included it don’t witch

11.When nobody watch TV you frequently having included it don’t witch

off it.

12.Are you interested in foreign mass media?

Слайд 16

Everyone has a different way of using television. Here are some

Everyone has a different way of using television. Here are some

types of television viewers.
The absent-minded
This type of viewer leaves the TV on all day. In the meantime, he eats, phones, reads or does his homework. For him television is really just background noise for his day.
The addict
He won't give up TV for anything in the world. He watches the programmes in silence, with great concentration. Even during commercials, he won't leave the screen for fear of losing a second of the programme. He usually chooses the programmes he wants to watch very carefully.
The bored
He puts the TV on when he's got nothing better to do. For him TV is the last resort. He only watches it when it's raining or when he's ill.
What sort of viewer are you?