Презентация к уроку английского языка "Мой дом" - скачать

Слайд 2

Тема урока Мой дом

Тема урока

Мой дом

Слайд 3

Уметь задавать вопросы и описывать гостиную. Отработать употребление предлогов места. Цели урока

Уметь задавать вопросы и описывать гостиную.
Отработать употребление предлогов места.

Цели урока

Слайд 4

Организационный момент. Фонетическая зарядка. Речевая зарядка. Проверка домашнего задания. Описание комнаты.

Организационный момент.
Фонетическая зарядка.
Речевая зарядка.
Проверка домашнего задания.
Описание комнаты.
Выполнение уражнения 3(2,3) стр.110.
Объяснение домашнего


План урока

Слайд 5

Организационный момент Who is on duty today? What date is it

Организационный момент

Who is on duty today?
What date is it today?
What day

of the week is it today?
What is the weather like today?
Who is absent today?
Слайд 6

Фонетическая зарядка

Фонетическая зарядка

Слайд 7

Речевая зарядка The teacher shows pictures of furniture and the students

Речевая зарядка

The teacher shows pictures of furniture and the students name

the furniture.
Choose the word.
What of these things have you got in your living room?
Слайд 8

Group the words into two categories. Group the words into two categories.

Group the words into two categories.

Group the words into two categories.

Слайд 9

po The students show their plans of the living-room. Проверка домашнего задания


The students show their plans of the living-room.

Проверка домашнего задания

Слайд 10

The students describe the picture of the living-room.(The students work in

The students describe the picture of the living-room.(The students work in

groups and they give a full description of the room.In five minutes the groups represent their work.One group can describe the picture,the other groups add information.

Описание комнаты

Слайд 11

Alice wants her room to be comfortable and COSY.What will help

Alice wants her room to be comfortable and COSY.What will help

to make the room more comfortable?
The students listen to the recording of ex.3(3)p.110. and see if they guessed right.

Выполнение упражнения №3(2)стр.110