Презентация к уроку английского языка "The history of New-York" - скачать

Слайд 2

The Indians were the first population of New-York.

The Indians were the first population of New-York.

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Giovanni da Verrazano was the first European explorer who saw Manhattan Island

Giovanni da Verrazano was the first European explorer who saw Manhattan Island

Слайд 6

The mighty Hudson River is named after the navigator Henry Hudson.

The mighty Hudson River is named after the navigator Henry Hudson.

Слайд 7

Dutch Trade Company brought Manhattan Island from the local Indians for 24 dollars.

Dutch Trade Company brought Manhattan Island from the local Indians for

24 dollars.
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The contract of purchase of Manhattan

The contract
of purchase
of Manhattan

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The English fleet under the Duke of York entered the harbour,

The English fleet under the Duke of York entered the harbour,

captured the city without firing a shot and renamed it New York.
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Streets of New-York

Streets of New-York

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Wall Street

Wall Street

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Слайд 14

Wall Street the name of the street derives from the fact

Wall Street the name of the street derives from the fact during

the 17th century, Wall street formed the northern boundary of the New Amsterdam settlement.
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5th Avenue

5th Avenue

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Fifth Avenue is a major thoroughfare in the center of the

Fifth Avenue is a major thoroughfare in the center of the

borough of Manhattan in New York City, USA.
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Слайд 22

Broadway, as the name implies, is a wide avenue in New York City.

Broadway, as the name implies, is a wide avenue in New

York City.
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