Презентация к уроку английского языка "Викторина о Великобритании" - скачать


Слайд 2

Big Palace Trafalgar Park Hyde Paul’s St. Ben Buckingham Square Westminster

Big Palace
Trafalgar Park
Hyde Paul’s
St. Ben
Buckingham Square
Westminster Abbey
The Houses of Jack

Слайд 3

Big Ben Trafalgar Square Hyde Park St. Paul’s Buckingham Palace Westminster

Big Ben
Trafalgar Square
Hyde Park
St. Paul’s
Buckingham Palace
Westminster Abbey
The Houses of Parliament

Union Jack
Слайд 4

Викторина «Визитная карточка Великобритании»

Викторина «Визитная карточка Великобритании»

Слайд 5

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Сев. Ирландия и Уэльс



Слайд 6

Англия 1 What is the flag of England?

Англия 1

What is the flag of England?

Слайд 7

Англия 2 Two oldest universities of England…

Англия 2

Two oldest universities of England…

Слайд 8

Англия 3 Does Eurotunnel differ from other railway tunnels?

Англия 3

Does Eurotunnel differ from other railway tunnels?

Слайд 9

Англия 4 What is the unofficial symbol of England?

Англия 4

What is the unofficial symbol of England?

Слайд 10

Англия 5 What is the favorite accessory of Elizabeth II?

Англия 5

What is the favorite accessory of Elizabeth II?

Слайд 11

Лондон 1 Why does Norway present to London the New Year tree every winter ?

Лондон 1

Why does Norway present to London the New Year tree

every winter ?
Слайд 12

Лондон 2 What does “beefeater” mean?

Лондон 2

What does “beefeater” mean?

Слайд 13

Лондон 3 What was the main sight of Trafalgar Square?

Лондон 3

What was the main sight of Trafalgar Square?

Слайд 14

Лондон 4 What was the history of Big Ben?

Лондон 4

What was the history of Big Ben?

Слайд 15

Лондон 5 What do you know about Stonehenge?

Лондон 5

What do you know about Stonehenge?

Слайд 16

Шотландия 1 What is the highest mountain in Scotland?

Шотландия 1

What is the highest mountain in Scotland?

Слайд 17

Шотландия 2 Why does the lake Loch- Ness is so popular among tourists?

Шотландия 2

Why does the lake Loch- Ness is so popular among

Слайд 18

Шотландия 3 What is the capital of Scotland?

Шотландия 3

What is the capital of Scotland?

Слайд 19

Шотландия 4 What can you say about territory of Scotland and its population?

Шотландия 4
What can you say about territory of Scotland and its

Слайд 20

Шотландия 5 Scotland is the country of rich soil. Are you agree?

Шотландия 5

Scotland is the country of rich soil. Are you agree?

Слайд 21

Сев. Ирландия и Уэльс 1 What is the symbol of Northern Ireland?

Сев. Ирландия и Уэльс 1

What is the symbol of Northern Ireland?

Слайд 22

Сев. Ирландия и Уэльс 2 “The Country of friends”…

Сев. Ирландия и Уэльс 2
“The Country of friends”…

Слайд 23

Сев. Ирландия и Уэльс 3 In what country the majority of inhabitants speak Welsh?

Сев. Ирландия и Уэльс 3

In what country the majority of inhabitants

speak Welsh?
Слайд 24

Сев. Ирландия и Уэльс 4 Why do creative people like to visit Wales?

Сев. Ирландия и Уэльс 4

Why do creative people like to visit

Слайд 25

Сев. Ирландия и Уэльс 5 When was a division of Ireland?

Сев. Ирландия и Уэльс 5

When was a division of Ireland?