Придаточные предложения с who, which, that, whose, where, when, why

Слайд 2

Who/ that (кто, который) – ставится если речь идет о человеке

Who/ that (кто, который) – ставится если речь идет о человеке

кто? кто/ которая
My Aunt Ella, …………..is a journalist, is coming to visit next week.
My Aunt Ella, who is a journalist, is coming to visit next week.
кто? которые
People …………..like outdoor activities will love our holidays.
People that like outdoor activities will love our holidays.

Слайд 3

Which/ that (что, который) – ставится если речь идет НЕ о

Which/ that (что, который) – ставится если речь идет НЕ о


что? которая
The snake, ……was in the garden last week, belongs to our neighbour.
The snake, which was in the garden last week, belongs to our neighbour.
The café, …… I’ve found, is very cozy.
The café, that I’ve found, is very cozy.

Слайд 4

Whose (чей) – ставится если речь идет о пренадлежности кому-либо девочки

Whose (чей) – ставится если речь идет о пренадлежности кому-либо


брат кого?
That's the girl ……… brother is in your class.
That's the girl whose brother is in your class.
I've got a message from Thomas, …… skis I’m going to borrow.
I've got a message from Thomas, whose skis I’m going to borrow.
Слайд 5

When (когда) – ставится если речь идет о времени когда? The

When (когда) – ставится если речь идет о времени

The early

1960s, …….. the Beatles first started, was a very exciting time in popular culture.
The early 1960s, when the Beatles first started….
It was Monday ……..I saw Kim last time.
It was Monday when I saw Kim last time.
In 1990,………. the USSSR broke apart, we moved to Simferopol.
In 1990, when the USSSR broke apart, ….
Слайд 6

Where (где) – ставится если речь идет о месте This is

Where (где) – ставится если речь идет о месте

This is the

town ……I grew up.
This is the town where I grew up.
This was my school ……I spent ten years of my life.
This was my school where I spent ten years ….
The café,…… I meet my friends, is in the corner.
The café, where I meet my friends, is in the …
Слайд 7

Why (почему) – ставится если речь идет о причине I don’t

Why (почему) – ставится если речь идет о причине

I don’t know

……. I did it.
I don’t know why I did it.
The reason, ……. I’m reading this book now, is my home task.
The reason, why I’m reading this book now, is …
That was the main reason …..he did it.
That was the main reason why he did it.
Слайд 8

Слайд 9