Relative Clauses

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Relative clauses are a type of clause that joins two thoughts

Relative clauses are a type of clause that joins two thoughts

or two sentences together. We give additional information about something without starting another sentence.
We use who, that, which, where and whose to make our relative clause.
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That’s the boy. He broke the window. There's the boy who broke the window.

That’s the boy. He broke the window.

There's the boy who

broke the window.
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Here are the letters. They arrived this morning. Here are the letters that arrived this morning.

Here are the letters. They arrived this morning.

Here are the

letters that
arrived this morning.
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That’s the house. I was born here. That's the house where I was born.

That’s the house.
I was born here.

That's the house

where I was born.
Слайд 10

Purpose clause Relative clause Put into two columns In case, when,

Purpose clause

Relative clause

Put into two columns In case, when, because, for, why, therefore, so that, whose, that, due to, so, on the grounds that, with

the aim of, in order to, which, as, such, where, because of.  
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Reason clause Result clause Put into two columns In case, when,

Reason clause

Result clause

Put into two columns In case, when, because, for, why, therefore, so that, whose, that, due to, so, on the grounds

that, with the aim of, in order to, which, as, such, where, because of.