Speaking activity. Talk about yourself and your family

Слайд 2

What do you do? Answer all the questions What’s you name?

What do you do? Answer all the questions

What’s you name?
How old are

Where are you from?
What do you do in the morning?
What do you do in the afternoon?
What do you do at night?
Слайд 3

What does your family do? How many brothers and sisters do

What does your family do?

How many brothers and sisters do you

What’s your brother’s name?
What does he do?
Do you have a sister?
How old are you brothers and sisters?
What does your sister do in the morning?
What does your brother do in the evening?
Слайд 4

Tell me about your parents What are your parents names? How

Tell me about your parents

What are your parents names?
How old is

your father?
What does your father do?
What does your mother do?
Tell me three things your father does but mother doesn’t do and vice versa.
What do your parents like about you?
What do you like about your parents?