Talking about the weather (3)


Слайд 2

Session 3 Section III Maintaining a Sharp Eye Section IV Trying Your Hand

Session 3

Section III
Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Section IV
Trying Your Hand

Слайд 3

Passage Ⅱ British People Like Talking About the Weather

Passage Ⅱ

British People Like
Talking About the Weather

Слайд 4

Do you know something about the weather conditions in Britain? changeable Warm-up questions

Do you know something about the weather conditions in Britain?


Warm-up questions

Слайд 5

2. How do English people usually start their conversations? Why? Warm-up questions

2. How do English people usually start their conversations? Why?


Слайд 6

British People Like Talking About the Weather Reading of the passage passage

British People Like
Talking About the Weather

Reading of the



Слайд 7

Find out the topic sentences and summarize the main ideas for each paragraph. Reading comprehension

Find out the topic sentences and
summarize the main ideas

each paragraph.

Reading comprehension

Слайд 8

The topic sentence: The first sentence. The main idea: Weather in

The topic sentence:
The first sentence.
The main idea:

Weather in Britain is changeable.

Reading comprehension

Para. 1

Слайд 9

The topic sentence: The first sentence. The main idea: Some British

The topic sentence:
The first sentence.
The main idea:

Some British customs are related
to the weather there.

Reading comprehension

Para. 2

Слайд 10

The topic sentence: The first two sentences. The main idea: British

The topic sentence:
The first two sentences.
The main

British people talk about weather
frequently because it is interesting
and changeable.

Reading comprehension

Para. 3

Слайд 11

The topic sentence: The last sentence. The main idea: Talking about

The topic sentence:
The last sentence.
The main idea:

Talking about weather is an easy
way for British people to begin
their conversation.

Reading comprehension

Para. 4

Слайд 12

The climate in Britain is very c_________. Sometimes it can be

The climate in Britain is very c_________. Sometimes it can be

c___, r____, w_____ and s____ all in the same day. Generally, it
r____ a lot, especially in the north and the west. Most of the time, the weather is quite m___― never too h___ nor too c___. In summer, it is usually w____.











Fill in the blanks and then read aloud.

Reading comprehension

Слайд 13

Role play the situation. A Chinese student is going to study

Role play the situation.

A Chinese student is going to study in

Britain, and he is asking a British student studying in China about the weather conditions in Britain and the British student happily
gives the information.

Reading comprehension

Слайд 14

Useful words and expressions (1) change according to (2) need someone

Useful words and expressions

(1) change according to
(2) need someone or something

for help or to be able to
do something

a. depend on

Слайд 15

Whether we’ll go out for a walk depends on the weather.

Whether we’ll go out for a walk
depends on the weather.


words and expressions

Don’t always depend on your parents
since you are an adult now.

a. depend on

Слайд 16

Many people know that the weather in Britain is ____________. b.

Many people know that the weather in Britain is ____________.

b. variable


varied variable

Useful words and expressions

changeable; not steady

Слайд 17

He is very reluctant to accept the fact that his sister

He is very reluctant to accept the fact that his sister

has married a foreigner.

c. be reluctant to do

not willing to do;
slow to act

Useful words and expressions

Слайд 18

d. break the ice say or do sth. to make people

d. break the ice

say or do sth. to make
people feel

more relaxed

Useful words and expressions

Sometimes talking about the weather is a way of breaking the ice between strangers.

Слайд 19

Section IV Trying Your Hand

Section IV
Your Hand

Слайд 20

Applied writing: Weather report A weather report or forecast is a

Applied writing: Weather report

A weather report or forecast is a very

useful aid in our daily life. Knowing the usual format for giving a weather forecast helps us a lot in understanding a weather forecast in English.

Sample analysis

Слайд 21

Figures, measurement units, graphics, weather terms, and broken short passages are

Figures, measurement units, graphics, weather terms, and broken short passages are

often used to forecast weather conditions. In general, the language used to forecast weather should be concise, clear, familiar and vivid.

Applied writing: Weather report

Sample analysis

Слайд 22

Sentences used to describe weather: 1. Tomorrow is going to be

Sentences used to describe weather:

1. Tomorrow is going to be fair.

2. It’s foggy in the morning and it’ll be
clear and fine this afternoon.

3. Tomorrow will be overcast
with drizzle.

Applied writing: Weather report

Слайд 23

4. It is expected to be partly cloudy in the next

4. It is expected to be partly cloudy
in the

next two days.

5. Tomorrow we can expect cloudy,
windy and cold weather.

6. The wind will be light with little
change of the temperature.

Applied writing: Weather report

Sentences used to describe weather:

Слайд 24

Exercises Key to Ex. 2: Weather outlook for the urban area:


Key to Ex. 2:

Weather outlook for the urban area:
It’ll be cloudy

today, and later turn to be
partly cloudy, the highest temperature
will be one degrees and the lowest
temperature will be four degrees below
Слайд 25

Exercises Key to Ex. 2: It is expected to be partly


Key to Ex. 2:

It is expected to be partly cloudy

in the next two days.
The wind will be calm with little
change of the temperature.
Слайд 26

Sentence Writing: Simple past and present perfect The simple past tense

Sentence Writing:
Simple past and present perfect

The simple past tense

is used to prefer to a past action that does not continue, while the present perfect tense is used to show actions which started in the past and are still continuing, or actions which happened in the past, but have
an effect till the present.

Sample snalysis

Слайд 27

Exercises Key to Ex. 6. The weather was terrible yesterday. In


Key to Ex. 6.

The weather was terrible yesterday.

In fact, it has been awful for several days.

2. She has worked in this office for 5 years.

3. I paid a visit to the Great Wall last year
and had a very good time there.

Слайд 28

4. We have never spoken to each other since we quarreled

4. We have never spoken to each other

we quarreled last time.

Key to Ex.6.

5. Turn down the TV a bit. The weather
forecast hasn’t begun yet.


Слайд 29

Assignments 1. Recite the first and the last paragraphs of Passage


1. Recite the first and the last
paragraphs of

Passage II.
2. Read and learn by heart the
new words in Unit 6.
3. Prepare the speaking activities
in Section I of Unit 6.
Слайд 30

The most important thing to remember about the weather in Britain

The most important thing to remember about the weather in

Britain is that it often changes. You can wake up to a beautiful blue sky and then it starts raining during breakfast. Similarly, you may decide not to go for a picnic because it's too wet--then later it's fine. Because long periods when the weather stays the same day after day aren't very common in Britain, the kind of weather you get will depend not only on the time of year, but also on luck.

Reading of the passage

Слайд 31

The weather in Britain may explain a lot about what you

The weather in Britain may explain a lot about what

you find here. For example, the opportunities for people to meet outside depend a lot on the weather, so you won't see people meeting and spending time together outdoors as much as you do in warmer countries. This may give some visitors the idea that the British are not very friendly. The weather helps to explain eating customs too; a large hot breakfast, for example, is a good idea on a cold dark morning.

Reading of the passage

Слайд 32

Foreigners are often amused that the English spend so much time

Foreigners are often amused that the English spend so much

time discussing the weather. An important reason for this is that the climate in Britain is interesting and variable. Because the weather changes frequently, there's always something to say about it, and this is probably the commonest way for strangers to start a conversation. At places like bus stop you might hear conversations start like this: 1st person: Lovely day, isn't it? 2nd person: Yes, isn't it.

Reading of the passage