The system of english tenses


Слайд 2

FUTURE SIMPLE (Будущее простое время)

(Будущее простое время)

Слайд 3

What will we have in future?

What will we have in future?

Слайд 4

There will be online schools

There will be online schools

Слайд 5

People will live in glass domes

People will live in glass domes

Слайд 6

Some people will live in underwater cities

Some people will live in underwater cities

Слайд 7

We will have flying cars

We will have flying cars

Слайд 8

Everyone will have a robotic housemaid

Everyone will have a robotic housemaid

Слайд 9

People will wear special suits

People will wear special suits

Слайд 10

Употребляется для: выражения решений, принятых в момент речи It’s hot here.

Употребляется для:

выражения решений, принятых в момент речи
It’s hot here.

– I will open the window.
предсказания будущих событий, основанного на наших предположениях:
I think she will call me later.
обещаний, угроз, предупреждений, просьб, надежд и предложений:
Will you help me clean the house?
для выражения действий, событий, которые непременно произойдут и на которые мы не можем повлиять:
Alex will be three years old in April.
Слайд 11

Слова-указатели tomorrow – завтра the day after tomorrow – послезавтра soon


tomorrow – завтра
the day after tomorrow – послезавтра
soon – скоро

week/month/year – на следующей неделе/
в следующем месяце/в следующем году…
in a week/month – через неделю/месяц…
Слайд 12

AFFIRMATIVE FORM will + глагол will live People will live in underwater cities.

will + глагол
will live
People will live in underwater cities.

Слайд 13

NEGATIVE FORM will not + глагол will not = won’t won’t

will not + глагол
will not = won’t
won’t + глагол

won’t be any traffic jams.
Слайд 14

INTERROGATIVE FORM Will + подлежащее + глагол ? Will you play football tomorrow?


Will + подлежащее + глагол ?
Will you play

football tomorrow?
Слайд 15

Shall I read? Shall we go? (1st person, offer)

Shall I read? Shall we go? (1st person, offer)

Слайд 16

1. It ______ (rain) tomorrow. 2. I hope you ____ (not

1. It ______ (rain) tomorrow.
2. I hope you ____ (not be)

ill next week.
3. We ____ (have) a party soon.
4. ____ I (do) the washing up?
5. _____ you (help) me?

Ex.1: Fill in the gaps with will, won’t, shall

Слайд 17

Ex.2: Make predictions e.g. I think life will be different in

Ex.2: Make predictions
e.g. I think life will be different in 2100.


People / go on holiday to the moon.
2. People / drive flying cars.
3. Computers / talk.
4. People / live in underwater cities.
5. Robots / do all the housework.
Слайд 18

Ex.3: Make on-the-spot decisions (решения, принятые в момент речи) e.g. I’m

Ex.3: Make on-the-spot decisions
(решения, принятые в момент речи)
e.g. I’m thirsty,

I will drink some juice.

You are cold.
You are tired.
3. You are bored.
4. You need money.

Слайд 19

Ex.4: Asking for help, offering help: e.g. Will you do this

Ex.4: Asking for help, offering help: e.g. Will you do this

for me, please?

buy you a new computer?
help you with your homework?
3. walk your dog?
meet you at the airport?
make you some tea?
show you the way to the station?

Слайд 20

Vocabulary predict prediction future future life (will) be very different (will)


future life
(will) be very different
(will) be so polluted
(will) be able to

glass domes in underwater cities
robotic housewife
online schools
Moon shuttle
flying cars
traffic jams
to have enough money
cause pollution
change for the better