This is british food


Слайд 2

What is this ? This is …….. … [ketʃ˄p] This is ketchup!

What is this ?

This is …….. …
This is ketchup!

Слайд 3

What are these? These are…… [tousts] These are toasts!

What are these?

These are……
These are toasts!

Слайд 4

What is this? This is a…. [ ʃopiɧ list] This is a shopping list!

What is this?

This is a….
[ ʃopiɧ list]
This is a shopping list!

Слайд 5

What is this? This is … [pɶ stə] This is pasta!

What is this?

This is …
[pɶ stə]
This is pasta!

Слайд 6

What is this? This is …. [ bi:f ] This is beef!

What is this?

This is ….
[ bi:f ]
This is beef!

Слайд 7

What is this? This is …. [pitsə] This is pizza!

What is this?

This is ….
This is pizza!

Слайд 8

What is this? This is a…. [ sɶnwiʧ ] This is a sandwich!

What is this?

This is a….
[ sɶnwiʧ ]
This is a sandwich!

Слайд 9

What is this? This is … [di:’zɜ:t] This is dessert!

What is this?

This is …
This is dessert!

Слайд 10

What is this? This is…. [rais] This is rice!

What is this?

This is….
This is rice!

Слайд 11

What is this? This is a… [ ‘paekt ‘l˄nʧ ] This is packed lunch!

What is this?

This is a…
[ ‘paekt ‘l˄nʧ ]
This is packed lunch!

Слайд 12

What are these? These are … [‘krisps] These are crisps!

What are these?

These are …
These are crisps!

Слайд 13

Match the dish and the country! Is it an Indian or

Match the dish and the country!

Is it an Indian or an

Italian dish?

Pizza is an Italian dish.

Слайд 14

Curry Is it a Chinese or an Indian dish? Curry is an Indian dish!


Is it a Chinese or an Indian dish?

Curry is an Indian

Слайд 15

Fish and chips Is it a British or a Russian dish?

Fish and chips

Is it a British or a Russian dish?

Fish and

chips is a British dish.
Слайд 16

True or false? Nick is twelve. True! Molly has apple juice

True or false?

Nick is twelve.


Molly has apple juice for breakfast.


Mother packs

crisps, oranges and bananas in the children’s lunch.


Слайд 17

True or false? Children take a packed lunch to school. True!

True or false?

Children take a packed lunch to school.


On Friday’s evenings

a family eat “take away food”.


Nick wants a Chinese dish.


Molly wants “Curry.”


Слайд 18

True or false? Mother doesn’t make a shopping list before going

True or false?

Mother doesn’t make a shopping list before going to

the supermarket.


Nick helps his mother in the supermarket.


Слайд 19

True or false? On Sundays they cook a big Sunday lunch.

True or false?

On Sundays they cook a big Sunday lunch.


They had

pasta, potatoes and roast [‘roust] beef for lunch.


Слайд 20

Let’s write! Help Nick and his mother to write the words!

Let’s write!

Help Nick and his mother to write the words! Add

3 words to the shopping list!
Слайд 21

Let’s check! Vegetables Meat Carrots Pasta Bananas Potatoes Coffee Bread Cheese _____? _____? _____?

Let’s check!


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