Tropical animals

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Tiger The tiger is the largest cat. He needs to eat


The tiger is the largest cat. He needs to eat up

to fourty kg of meat per day. They hunt large animals mostly at night. Tiger preys primarily on fish, deer, monkeys, but can also attack the Buffalo and even elephants! A tigress is from 2 to 4 cubs. There are many subspecies of tigers. Among them - Bengal and Sumatran tigers. Unfortunately, all tiger subspecies are in danger of extinction, as the tiger skin is very prized by poachers.
Body length: 1.4 to 2.8 m
Weight: 100-300 kg
Lifespan: sixteen
Habitat: Siberia, South Asia.
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Hyacinth macaw This macaw is the largest parrot in the world.

Hyacinth macaw

This macaw is the largest parrot in the world.

He is also one of the most beautiful: it can be easily recognized by a gorgeous bright blue tail, straight tail, a yellow circle around the eyes and the spot of the same color on the chin. He finds food on trees, and sometimes on the ground, picks up where the fruit.
Body length: 1 m
Weight: 1.5 kg
Lifespan: in captivity for eight to ten years
Habitat: Brazil and Bolivia.