Two teams: life time

Слайд 2





Слайд 3

Now it’s six o’clock, Six o’clock, six o’clock. Now it’s six

Now it’s six o’clock,
Six o’clock, six o’clock.
Now it’s six o’clock

what do you do at six o’clock?
I get up.
Now it’s seven o’clock,
Seven o’clock, seven o’clock.
Now it’s seven o’clock
And what do you do at seven o’clock?
I do exercises.

Phonetic drill

Слайд 4

Checking up the hometask What are they doing?

Checking up the hometask

What are they doing?

Слайд 5

Theme A day in my life


A day in my life

Слайд 6

New words to get up [tu: get ʌp]- тұру to have

New words

to get up [tu: get ʌp]- тұру
to have breakfast [tu: hјev‘brekfәst]- таңғы

ас ішу
to have lunch [tu: hјev l٨nt∫]- түскі ас ішу
to have supper [tu: hјev ‘s٨pә]- кешкі ас ішу
to go to school [tu: gјu tu: sku:l] мектепке бару
school start [sku:l stα:t]- сабақ бастау
Слайд 7

New words to go home [tu: gјu hәum]- үйге бару school

New words

to go home [tu: gјu hәum]- үйге бару
school finish [sku:l

fini∫]- сабақ аяқтау
to do homework [ tu: du: hәumwј:k] – үй тапсырмасын орындау
to have classes [tu: hјev kla:siz]- сабақ оқу
to watch TV [tu: wɔt∫ ti:’vi:]- теледидар қарау
to go to bed [tu: gјu tu:’ bed ]- ұйықтау
Слайд 8

Слайд 9

Слайд 10

Слайд 11

Слайд 12

Listening the text Omar’s day

Listening the text Omar’s day

Слайд 13



Слайд 14

4 3



Слайд 15

Слайд 16

To have breakfast

To have breakfast

Слайд 17

Слайд 18

Слайд 19

Слайд 20

Слайд 21

Слайд 22

Слайд 23

Right ( ) or wrong ( X ) Omar is ten

Right ( ) or wrong ( X )
Omar is ten

years old. __________________
He lives in Astana now __________________
He gets up at half past seven _________________
He has breakfast at half past eight __________________
He has lunch at one o’clock _________________
He has supper at six o’clock _________________
He has five lessons every day _________________
He goes to bed at nine o’clock __________________
School starts at ten o’clock in the morning _______________
School finishes at three o’clock in the afternoon. _________
